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Decided not to sell to HP the PC-business


28.10.11, 01:33, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

After August statements for possible withdrawal from business of the PC or sale of the affiliated enterprise known as Personal Systems Group, Hewlett-Packard announced end of assessment of strategic alternatives and the solution to leave everything as it is.

The CEO of HP Meg Whitman in the statement reflecting the decision made by Board of Directors noted that she of HP objectively assessed the strategic, financial and operational consequences of the termination of activity of PSG then it became absolutely clear that it will be correct to save PSG as a part of HP concerning clients and partners, shareholders and employees. "Invested HP in PSG, and together we are stronger", - Whitman said.

As reported HP, subject experts of the different companies and divisions took part in carrying out strategic analysis. "Assessment of operational data determined depth of integration which takes place in key transactions of the company, such as supply chains, purchases, information technologies, says the company. – It also detailed degree of the importance which PSG introduces a deposit to a solution portfolio of HP and the total cost of a brand. At last, it also showed that costs for reconstruction of these parameters in the autonomous company do not justify any advantages of separation", the statement says.

The company added that "PSG is a key component of strategy of HP in achievement of higher cost, long-term relationship with consumers, small and medium business, corporate clients". PSG have own history of innovations and technological leadership, also as well as the set industry record of profitability, said in the statement of the company, PSG is a producer of personal computers No. 1 in the world, with the total income which exceeded $40 billion in 2010 financial year.

It is worth reminding that in the third decade of August of the current year when the company lips of the CEO of that time of HP Leo Apotheker announced the decision on withdrawal from business of the PC, analytics a large number of forecasts about future repartition of the market and effects of this solution for generated HP. However then nobody predicted a possibility of dismissal of its CEO as a result of the made decision. And in a month in media discussed the probability of his resignation and Meg Whitman candidacy as the successor.