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Microsoft: new Hyper-V will leave VMware out of work


28.10.11, 13:13, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

Microsoft prepares the release of the new version of a hypervisor of Hyper-V. The corporation is sure that it will be able to make the real competition to popular products of VMware.

The hypervisor of Hyper-V will be capitally processed within preparation of release of Windows Server 8. Microsoft did not announce date of an exit of new release yet though according to the plans published some time ago the reference point is taken for 2012. In September at the Microsoft BUILD conference in Anaheim the version of Windows Server 8 (including Hyper-V) for developers was submitted.

According to Eidan Fynn (Aidan Finn), the independent consultant working in Dublin, new Hyper-V "at least at one level, and it is in some respects better, than products of VMware". According to him, Hyper-V exceeds VMware in three directions: support of the inexpensive server of data storage and a simple disk set (JBOD) such functions as Share Nothing Live Migration, functionality of ensuring fault tolerance and disaster recovery between the websites by means of the Hyper-V Replica function and formation of virtual networks using the Hyper-V Extensible Switch function.

In addition, Hyper-V allows scaling to the considerable sizes now, maintaining the bigger number of logical processors and providing to each virtual machine access to bigger number of virtual CCPs.

The senior director of Microsoft on the product Windows Server and virtualization Mike Schutz claims that Hyper-V has functionality what anybody of competitors does not have.

According to Fynn, the majority of advantages of Hyper-V are connected with storage. Hyper-V are not necessary to NAS (the attached data warehouse), SAN (storage area network) or a cluster any more. "VMware has VMotion and qualitative additional functionality, but in all this Hyper-V is a whole", - he emphasizes.

Now users should contain virtual machines in SAN, Fynn notes. If to try to apply now Hyper-V, it will be necessary to purchase SAN. The thing is very expensive, even for implementation on the lowest quotations. The new functionality of Windows Server 8 of it does not assume - Hyper-V can store virtual machines on a file server.

Microsoft invested money in technology of remote direct memory access (RDMA) and created the new version of the server SMB protocol which received the name SMB 2.2, using RDMA. It allows Hyper-V to implement access to files on a file server of other computer, and to users - to create the active server / an active cluster between the data storage devices connected to the server. Thus, if the file server fails, there is an automatic switching to another, the consultant told.

Live Migration will also be supported by data storage devices, connected to the server. Microsoft called this functionality of Share Nothing Live Migration. It is what "nobody in the market is able to make today any more", Schutz considers. The technology allows to move virtual hard drives and virtual machines between the disks connected to the server by means of network connection.

The Finn considers that improvements of Hyper-V regarding data storage will allow customers to turn inexpensive versions of solutions, like JBOD (a simple disk set), into the scalable storage which does not have restrictions. As SAN in such cases is not required any more, virtualization becomes more available to the small companies and servers placed in the remote premises.

VMware objects that Share Nothing Live Migration - the unique Hyper-V technology, however recognizes that such functionality is not a part of VSphere. "VMware provides it by means of a product under the name vSphere Storage Appliance (VSA) which does the data warehouse connected to the server to visible hosts of VSphere as available storage. VSA completely supports VMware VMotion and High Availability. VSA can be purchased independently or complete with VSphere Essentials Plus", - Mark Huang, the marketing director of products of VMware parries.

He noted that the company already starts sales of VSA. Juan did not comment on plans for the future and also probability of this product to become a part of a basis of the software of VSphere.

The new version of Hyper-V can brag of impressive scalability and support up to 160 logical processors per host, up to 2 Tb of memory per host, up to 32 virtual processors on each virtual machine, 512 GB of memory on each VM and existence of a new format of a virtual hard drive - VHDX supporting up to 16 Tb on one virtual disk.

Taking into account all innovative solutions which entered a product, according to Fynn, to Hyper-V the increasing interest among users of VMware and resellers is observed. Until recently many of them were not interested in Hyper-V and were admirers of VSphere or partners of VMware. Now they ask the demoversion of Hyper-V. Clients are more susceptible to the prices now and recognize the improvements made by Microsoft, he noted.

Nevertheless, today VMware fairly notes that Hyper-V as a part of Windows Server 8 is just a talk. "Microsoft says that the product will probably be delivered in the second half of 2012. So, clients should wait from nine to 12 months before they are able to take advantage which is had at VMware already now, and in many cases they are applied within several years", - emphasized Huang.