Customers: Yours, retail network
Contractors: Optima Services Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2011/08
The popular retail network of youth TVOE clothes improved business processes, having transferred support and preventive maintenance of the automated jobs (AJ) of cashiers-operators, retail, peripheral and network equipment to outsourcing of Optima services company. The project was implemented in 84 shops, more than in 30 cities of Russia and Republic of Belarus.
Earlier local contractors did not cope with assigned tasks, and specialists of the central office YOUR had to spend a lot of time and resources for service of remote points. The functioning IT system was not homogeneous. Besides, there were serious differences in the level of IT services. In these conditions the decision on transfer of service of regional representative offices of the uniform outsourcing company allowed specialists of the customer to focus on the key Moscow region and to receive notable economy of resources, both financial, and labor. Also minimization of a downtime of the main business processes thanks to cardinal increase in qualitative indexes of the service layer (SLA) was result of cooperation. On behalf of Optima services TVOE network received also reliable partner on a number of adjacent projects: upgrade of infrastructure of sales points, opening and their further maintenance, etc.
"We created the effective system of recovery of IT infrastructure of retail network based on the organization of the round-the-clock acceptance of requests in our uniform Dispatching service Service Desk. Provided remote user support and arrival of our regional specialists directly into place within few hours, - the CEO of Optima services Brusentsev Mikhail noted. – In conditions when even insignificant idle time yields serious losses, this powerful competitive advantage".
The signed contract provides tough completion dates of works on each type of requests: rendering technology support, replacement of supplies and maintenance of an automated workplace of cashiers-operators; service of displays of buyers, scanners of a barcode, network equipment, etc. The agreement guarantees regular carrying out scheduled maintenance and also providing to users consultations on work with the equipment.