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Oracle EBS in Treasury: rapid-fire implementation


19.01.06, 09:12, Msk

The first of four stages of the project on development and deployment of an automated system in Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation (AS FK) based on the ERP system of Oracle E-Business Suite is complete. It is curious what from the moment of the declaration of the winner passed in the tender for delivery of a system slightly more than a month, and both the main contractor and all subpodryadchkiya are already defined. Moreover, the head contractor - the IBS company  - already even reported on a successful completion of the first stage of an implementation project of the ERP system expected 367 thousand human. There is an impression, something works on the project began before the official declaration of the winner of the tender, or the Russian system integrators set up world records.

According to in the company, within the first stage the detailed function model of cash services of execution of budgets by bodies of treasury on the basis of the integrated information system in operating conditions of a single treasury account is developed. The package of proposals on change acting and to creation of the new legislative and regulatory base is also developed for work of bodies of treasury, the general equipment room, a program, telecommunication and information architecture automated systems is offered. But there is more to come. As utverzhdeyuat in IBS, the package of proposals on information security support is already prepared, the strategy of creation of a system, technical and functional requirements to its components for carrying out competitive purchases by rules of the World Bank are created and also the concept of functioning of IT service of treasury is defined.

It is remarkable that  only one month was spent for end of the first stage (let and the simplest), and in general all project is going to be completed within 7 years from which within 4 years development and replication of a system will be conducted, and in the next 3 years – its warranty service.

The second stage of works on creation of a system provides purchase of its components, including necessary technical means and also setup, completion and testing of the application software. At the third stage implementation of priorities of AS FK in pilot regions is planned. The completing fourth stage assumes replication of a full-function system in all regions of Russia.

Works are performed by merger of companies of IBS (the head contractor), FBK, RNT, Russian Satellite Communications Company and Microinform. The project is aimed at the development of a system of the bodies of Federal Treasury, creation of a modern management system for budget resources necessary for increase in management efficiency and control of the state financial resources. The automated system of treasury will be the central element of a common information space of participants of budget process. The unrolled system should provide information exchange of bodies of treasury with other participants of processes of execution of the specified budgets.

Let's remind that as a result of the tender in December, 2005 for automation of Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation the solution of Oracle was selected. Contract amount is over $64 million which will be provided by the World Bank.