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M2M-Cyber GLX Case

The name of the base system (platform): M2M-Cyber GLX
Developers: M2M Telematics
Last Release Date: October, 2011
Branches: Transport
Technology: Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT),  Satellite communication and navigation

The new GLX Case M2M-Cyber GLONASS terminal, productions of M2M Telematics group, received the certificate of conformity to requirements of the Russian river register.

M2M-Cyber GLX Case – professional a GLONASS/GPS equipment, specially intended for river transport. When developing the terminal the unique technology platform of "telematics M2M" was used. Feature M2M-Cyber of GLX Case consists in the strong and hermetic aluminum package which provides the high level of a pylevlagozashchita and electromagnetic compatibility with a shipboard equipment for prevention of creation of mutual radio interferences. Anticorrosion coating of the body protects the terminal from harmful external effects.

"Development of the navigation and coherent equipment for river transport – in many respects a merit of our engineering structure created throughout development of group. Only really experienced and professional developers can do creation of unique products of any complexity: from chipsets to intelligent transport systems", - the marketing director of M2M Telematics company of Hadonov Svetlana noted.