Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2 Lite Workplace

Developers: LinuxWizard
Branches: Information technologies

The workplace of Lite is intended for installation on low-power computers and uses as the terminal client. The distribution kit in free access can be downloaded on the website LinuxWizard.

The solution is based on a core 2.6.32-31 and uses the graphical environment Xfce 4.6.1, is executed using corporate LinuxWizard technologies (1^st by quick and S4You), has own repository, is regularly updated and contains lightweight analogs of popular applications of Linux for work with any kinds of documents, e-mail and Internet, modern means of communication and also a layer of compatibility with the MS Windows applications — Wine@Wizard. Lite is suitable for accomplishment of problems of conducting simple document flow, use in educational process and also operation as the terminal client.

The initiative of development of a distribution kit is based on analysis results of customers needs, first of all, of the budget organizations often using low-power, morally and technically obsolete equipment. First of all it concerns educational institutions. Thus, Lite becomes the important element of implementation of the School LinuxWizard project allowing to solve problems of automation of jobs both pupils, and teachers and administration of OU. Lite is completely free software product which can be downloaded in free access on a developer's site: Adhering to policy of obligatory license support of software products, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, LinuxWizard reminds of need of acquisition of the license agreement for operation of software in the organizations. Existence of the license not only gives to the owner of a distribution kit legal protection against possible checks and withdrawal of the equipment, but also grants the right to technical support and updates.