Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Power of an automated workplace

The name of the base system (platform): Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks
Developers: Tekhnotroniks
Branches: Telecommunication and communication

The power supply subsystem of any telecommunication object is one of the most difficult and its expensive links. Subsystem components – electroconverting installation (electroconverting installation), the counter of the electric power and the rechargeable battery (joint stock bank) are absolutely diverse. For their proper operation it is only not enough to monitor emergency situations and to react to them. There are also different labor-consuming measurements (only one electricity metering of what costs!), regulations, tests, etc. As a result, there is desire of power engineering specialists to create the own instrument of automation allowing to embrace all this uneasy economy and to make it managed from one point. Most often, such hypothetical tool refer to as: "Automated Workplace (AW) of the Power engineering specialist". The activity of Tekhnotroniks LLC consisting in creation of comprehensive monitoring systems and controls of the object equipment, apparently, conflicts to such "separatist sentiments" of power engineering specialists. In practice, "Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks" can perfectly get on with the created automated workplace and even to form a basis for its creation. Below we will show this interaction as we see it.

What does the Power engineering specialist of the enterprise of telecommunication, the person interested to create the automated workplace covering supply systems of several hundred diverse telecommunication objects face?  With an enormous variety of types and brands of counters, Epushek, joint stock bank which can be described the short and capacious word "zoo". Objects, diverse in fact, both were under construction at different times and were, as a rule, supplied with different equipment suppliers.

Until recently there was one method of overcoming this problem: grasp the objects equipped with the same intelligent equipment, monitor them, and on other to wave a hand, hoping for possible "their pulling up to a common denominator" in the future. By the way, if on these objects, costs "Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks", we can act as allies in this action, having provided probros data from the electroconverting installation and counters in the Dispatching Center (see fig. 1).

Схема передачи данных от ЭПУ до Диспетчерского Центра

Fig. 1. The transmission scheme of data from the electroconverting installation to the Dispatching Center

The last hardware and software solutions of Tekhnotroniks LLC allow to find other solution of a difficult problem of monitoring of the equipment of different type. But for this purpose it is necessary to accept a certain set of postulates, namely:

  1. Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks agrarian and industrial Complex and the automated workplace Power focused on different users participate in the solution of all perspective of monitoring of power economy. "Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks" is a tool of the manager for which the power economy represents one of a number of "painful points" along with protection, fire safety, klimatiky, etc. the automated workplace of the power engineering specialist is a tool of the professional which can change a configuration of power supply system, start tests, process their results, etc. At emergence of accident on the power station, the manager fixes the fact of accident and reports about it to specialists of power workshop who attract the automated workplace to profound diagnosis and "treatment" of a disease.

  2. All tasks requiring the round-the-clock monitoring are assigned to "Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks". The automated workplace Power solves planned problems which can be started and completed in working time.

For what do power engineering specialists need to allow, in our opinion, "Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks" to "diocese"?

Just because modern Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks agrarian and industrial Complex allows to construct a single dispatching system of abnormal supervision of power parameters delivering in the center  all paramount information on a status of power economy of an object without binding to specific brands and types of the power equipment installed on objects. And it means that it is not necessary to replace all power equipment with intellectual and same or to be engaged in the organization of numerous jobs for work with specialized softwares of suppliers of the different power equipment. Thus, a system can be unrolled in the shortest possible time and with the minimum costs absolutely on any telecommunication objects with any power equipment.

Universal monitoring system of power parameters for any objects of communication with any brands of the power equipment – it is healthy!

Functionality of a system

As the result, a system from "Tekhnotroniks" executes the following feature set:

1. Control and strain measurement on each of phases of the electrofeeding input that allows not only to monitor existence/loss of power supply on an object but also to reveal instability of supply of electricity if like that is available. And as our equipment is metrological certified and entered to the State registry of measuring instruments, data retrieveds are legally well-founded at the dispute resolution with power supply companies in case of damage at jumps of power supply.

2. Indication of currents and capacities on each of phases of the electrofeeding input  allows to estimate loading of each of phases remotely, without leaving on an object.

3. Measurement of constant voltage and forecast of time of complete discharge of the battery. If an object "got" on batteries, the major task is not so much measurement of rated voltage, how many the forecast of time of complete discharge of accumulators. Thanks to Tekhnotroniks.Sql implemented in our softwares and in software for mass monitoring of telecommunication objects "KUB-TTh" to the mechanism of calculation of discharge time, the user can accurately see through what period so-called "deadline" will come and it is how quickly necessary to fix a problem.

4. Indication of currents of a charge and discharge of rechargeable batteries that allows to trace and estimate shared state of rechargeable batteries without carrying out control tests, or at the time of carrying out these tests.

5. Step-by-step control of rechargeable batteries  – the necessary requirement stated in the operating instruction of rechargeable batteries, the approved State Committee on Communications of Russia in 1998. According to this instruction strain measurement and temperatures on each monoblock it is necessary to perform a minimum of times a month. The solution of "Tekhnotroniks" allows to carry out this procedure remotely, without leaving on an object.

6. Removal of indications from the pulse output of the power meter and the ASCAPC organization which is most adapted for telecommunication objects.

At the same time you should not forget that the listed functions of control of power parameters only a part of opportunities of the equipment on which a system is under construction. In parallel with control of a power component, our devices are capable to perform at the professional grade functions of the security fire warning, control of the equipment, control of the klimatiki and many other things. So our equipment solves problems of monitoring of an object in a complex, considering it as a uniform organism. Thus costs for control of power parameters are dissolved in the total costs of complex monitoring of an object for the benefit of different services of telecommunications agency.

Hardware-software implementation of a system

The CUBE controller or its modification (KUB-MINI, KUB-MIKRO/60) and two new external expansion units – the block of control of EPU485 parameters and the block of step-by-step control of the AKB485 storage batteries is necessary for the organization of monitoring of power parameters.

Let's remind that  the new version of the block of control of EPU485 parameters (EPU485 version 2)  was released in the spring of 2011 and already enjoys deserved popularity. The matter is that the updated EPU485 allows not only to take readings from the pulse output of the power meter and to measure tension on power three-phase input, but also to control currents and capacities on phases, to measure tension of a station power supply 46 … 72B and also currents of a charge and discharge of the battery.

The second external expansion unit, used in a system is  absolutely new device about which we speak for the first time –  AKB485. AKB485 is developed by us especially for step-by-step control of rechargeable batteries. This module together with modules of control of the MKA accumulators provides temperature measurement and tension on 8 monoblocks of the rechargeable battery that allows to estimate its shared state and also to reveal "a weak link" among monoblocks.

A system works as follows. EPU485 and AKB485 are connected to the controller installed on an object for CUBE monitoring via RS485 (BMP) interface (fig. 2.). The corresponding sensors of currents of tension and the counter of the electric power are connected to these blocks. The KUB controller provides broadcast of data from external expansion units in DTs online. And data can be ottranslirovana as on a supervisory console in software of Tekhnotroniks.Sql, and in software for mass monitoring of telecommunication objects "KUB-TTh". In software "KUB-TTh" the ergonomic interface allowing to trace all parameters in a single window and providing convenience of work with a system (fig. 3) is implemented.

Система комплексного мониторинга энергопараметров от «Технотроникс»

Fig. 2. The system of complex monitoring of power parameters from "Tekhnotroniks"

Скриншот программного окна ПО «КУБ-ТТх», демонстрирующий возможности мониторинга энергопараметров

Fig. 3. The screenshot of the KUB-TTh software program window showing possibilities of monitoring of power parameters

Hardware opportunities of the listed blocks allow to organize "probros data" from the third-party equipment without prejudice to own functioning. "the third-party equipment" is understood as the intelligent electroconverting installation, the counter with RS485 interface or both of these devices at once as it is shown in fig. 2. So the hardware foundation for functioning the automated workplace Power, relying on "regular software" of that equipment which is installed on a specific object is laid.

Advantages of a system from "Tekhnotroniks"

Our universal approach for the organization of an end-to-end system of monitoring of power parameters, in addition to a possibility of the organization of control of power economy it is made ON ANY objects of communication, has some other advantages.

First, provides  economy of considerable means  due to lack of need for a research of objects and replacement on same the existing equipment or its integration in uniform to software.

Secondly, a system allows not only to control in a complex power parameters, but takzheobespechivat a number of the major functions on protection, monitoring and control of the equipment on an object. And our equipment does it professionally, but not by the residual principle as controllers of other producers which perform rather deep monitoring of power parameters, however, for certain brands of the power equipment and all implement other functions of protection and monitoring, necessary for an object, using a small set of discrete inputs. We use specialized nodes which, for example, not just provide control of the fire detector, but also deenergize the equipment at the fire or even turn on the fire extinguishing system. And all this is executed using one controller and a small set of the external expansion units increasing functionality of a system or quantity of points of control. Returning to control of power parameters, there is a wish to notice that for numerous Customers at whom Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks agrarian and industrial Complex is already set it is possible to organize a system in no time – having only added it with specialized external expansion units.

Thirdly,  our system is metrological certified that allows to build using our equipment and the software of the ASCAPC for objects of communication and also to use the data obtained from a system in economic disputes with Energosbyt in cases when the instability of power network caused damage to telecommunication equipment.

Fourthly,  universal approach allows to solve an immemorial problem of monitoring "Who will guard the watchdog?". Whether it is possible to be for 100% confident that the electroconverting installation which failed for some reason will be able itself, in own monitoring system, to transmit a signal of the fault? And here a system, independent of object of monitoring, i.e. Tsensor-Tekhnotroniks agrarian and industrial Complex, it will be able precisely to make.

Complex approach: the alarm signaling – the place, planned work – the.

As repeatedly was declared in this article, at all pluses of universal approach described by us we do not exclude use in an end-to-end system of control of power parameters on telecommunications agencies of highly specialized monitoring systems from different producers of the power equipment at all. Especially if the operator has the considerable park of the same power equipment. We only offer, according to the epigraph, "leave Tsensora – Tsensorovo", namely the round-the-clock control of abnormal information on power parameters and rapid response to a non-staff situation.

Thus, the full-fledged monitoring system of power parameters for objects of communication capable to work based on whole "zoo" of the power equipment is created and also, if necessary, to broadcast data in specialized softwares of producers of the power equipment, generally, most flexibly to approach requirements of each specific object. 

Composition of complex monitoring of power parameters from "Tekhnotroniks":

  • the CUBE family controller (the CUBE the CUBE - Mikro / 60, KUB-Mini);
  • external expansion unit of EPU485;
  • external expansion unit of AKB485;
  • sensors of direct and alternating current;
  • The software of Tekhnotroniks.Sql or software for mass monitoring of telecommunication objects "KUB-TTh".