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The Home Credit bank completed system implementation of management of network infrastructure of bank

Customers: Home Credit and Finance Bank Home Credit and Finance Bank

Product: CiscoWorks LMS (LAN Management Solution)

Project date: 2011/10

The CTI company and Home Credit Bank announce end of the large-scale project on implementation of a new network infrastructure management system of bank. The product CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution became a basis of the solution CTI.

The transition of Home Credit Bank to universal retail model of business which is followed by active and operational development of regional network in all territory of Russia became the main premises of the project.

The Home Credit bank takes the leading positions in the market of financial retail, taking the third place on volumes of crediting of the population according to Ekspertra rating agency. One of priorities of development of bank is expansion of regional presence in this connection, Home Credit regularly opens new offices and sales points. For the solution of an assigned task the CiscoWorks LMS system was selected. Tender on the right of delivery and implementing solution was won by CTI company.

The CiscoWorks LMS software product allows to exclude a downtime of banking network at work at the expense of the mechanism of centralized operation put in it the production equipment from Cisco company. As result, implementation of the project allowed bank to accelerate process of deployment of network of departments considerably.

Andrey Chernets, the head of department of telecommunications of Home Credit Bank noted: "The monitoring system and controls of the network devices CiscoWorks LMS 4 implemented in our bank allowed to centralize, accelerate and simplify solving of tasks of management of network infrastructure. Delivery, installation and system deployment were carried out by specialists of CTI company together with employees of the bank. Thanks to successful team work the project was implemented in time and in full. In the course of work the staff of CTI company showed the high level of professionalism and responsibility at the solution of the arising tasks".
According to the Director of work with corporate clients of CTI company Sergey Cheshli, the main advantages of system implementation of CiscoWorks LMS to effective business development, are economy of human and temporary resources that is extremely important and without fail leads to expense reduction of the company. The extensive operating experience of components of a system and a high integration scale with the equipment selects the product CiscoWorks LMS from a number of analogs. This system provides steadily high quality of network management at low labor costs irrespective of scale and activity of the organization.

Work on the project began in October of last year. Specialists of CTI company carried out the analysis of corporate network of Home Credit Bank with the subsequent installation of the CiscoWorks LMS system, including balancing and commissioning and training of specialists of bank. As a result the CiscoWorks LMS system covered more than 150 items of equipment, and in the nearest future under its management is going to translate all network equipment of Cisco (about 800 units).