Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The Service Plus group automated supermarkets of retail chain stores of Shams in Primorye

Customers: Shamsa, supermarket chain

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky; Trade

Contractors: Service Plus
Product: SuperMag (Superma)

Project date: 2008/09

Moscow, on September 9, 2008. Today Service Plus group, leading solution provider and specialized equipment for a public sector, industry, trade and other industries — announces project completion on complex automation of two supermarkets which are in the cities of Vladivostok and Ussuriysk. Both supermarkets are included into retail chain stores of the largest trade wholesale and retail holding "Shamsa" in the Far East. In the project the automation system of Supermag® trade enterprises developed by the Service Plus Group is used. Mounting works of the equipment, installation and a software setup were executed by the partner of Service Plus in the region — Service Plus of DV company.

Within the project in supermarkets were set: computer and cash CheckWay POS 33 systems; fiscal registrars of the joint venture 101 FR-K, digital scales of DIGI SM-500 MK4, scanners of barcodes of Magellan 2200 and other equipment. All equipment of trading floors and warehouse was connected to automation systems the front - and back offices (СуперМаг®-УКМ4). At the same time the implemented complex completely supports the format selected for retail chain stores of Shams that is especially relevant in connection with plans of its expansion.

Let's remind that the Shamsa holding actively develops the retail direction since 2000 when to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky the first supermarket of network opened. At the first stage of work the company became the leader with the sphere of wholesale and retail trade in Kamchatka Krai, and then passed to geographical expansion. In particular, at the end of last year earned the first supermarket in the capital of the Far Eastern Federal District (DVFO) — the city of Khabarovsk. Now the Shamsa network began to work also in Primorsky Krai.

It is effective automated information system created based on the solution Supermag® and other software developed by the Service Plus Group helps to manage business growth to Shamsa holding.

Let's emphasize that the Service Plus Group steadily pays much attention to automation of trade enterprises of the Far East. At the same time the Group supports as already become traditional, and the innovation methods of the organization of trade. The flexibility necessary for this purpose and functionality are provided by the mechanisms of settings put in the Supermag® system, protection and integration with different financial software.

"Far East is one of regions going in vanguard of development of domestic economy today. At the same time trade is one of the most dynamic segments — Alexander Polyakov, the CEO of Service Plus Group says. — Our Supermag® system remains not the first year some kind of standard in the field of automation of modern trade enterprises. At the same time a system is effective both in small retail networks, and on such large diversified enterprises as wholesale and retail holding "Shamsa"".

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