Customers: Uraltekhnostroy-Tuymazykhimmash Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: BIT: Treasury and Budgeting. PROFНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/10
The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) provided to the Uraltekhnostroy-Tuymazykhimmash enterprise the convenient instrument of control of financial flows and management of budget process — the program "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting. PROF". The flexibility of a system and simplicity of its implementation allowed Uraltekhnostroy-Tuymazykhimmash company to perform program installation by own forces. Accuracy and convenience of implementation provided remote consultations of specialists of developer company — "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT).
The Uraltekhnostroy-Tuymazykhimmash enterprise is engaged in production of columned devices, the heat-exchanging and capacitive equipment, GS, NGS, NGSV separators, air collectors, receivers; settlers of water and oil, furnaces for heating of oil, dryer units, etc.
The company management made the decision on automation of schedule system and control of financial resources and cash flows. Automation had to solve the following problems:
- Full and operating control of each treasurer transaction in the company and all stages of budgeting. * Need of it increased in connection with instability in the world markets and the known difficulties in the Russian financial system today;
- Receiving in a short space of time reliable instrument of risk reduction and increase in efficiency of financial divisions and accountant officers.
To the specified parameters the program "completely satisfied BIT: Treasury and Budgeting. PROF". The interface of entry form of the budget in this solution is as close as possible to Microsoft Office of Excel that allows to minimize difficulties of accustoming of users to a new product and significantly reduces costs for filling of the document. This concept provides fast transfer of planning from the MS Excel on a new solution.
Implementation of the program allowed to reduce time for document handling, to lower number of errors and to provide strict control of money.