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Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: CA Technologies
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2011
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  cybersecurity - Authentication

The CA Technologies company announced more than once intention to transfer the security protections to a cloud. Emergence of cloud services of management of identification and access control became the next step in this direction.

A set of CloudMinder services is intended for management of users and providing security services by it. He allows to organize access audit, obtaining the necessary reporting, to implement the principle of uniform point of entry (Single Sign-On, SSO) and to integrate appropriate means on the basis of the existing standards with politicians of management of identification.

The similar functionality was already implemented in the product CA Indentity Manager installed by clients in the territory. Now clients for the first time receive the mechanisms of management of identification and access control executed in the form of cloud services in the order. The first product, CA IdentityMinder as-a-Service, allows to manage the services and applications unrolled both at the client and in a cloud. The second, received the name CA FedMinder as-a-Service, serves for connection to different domains using the uniform identifier.

According to the vice president of CA for security issues Lina Liberti, the competition forces suppliers to master the field of management of identification, new to them, and provision of services of security in a cloud. In the first quarter next year the CA company will offer services of security IdentityMinder and FedMinder SaaS announced at the annual CA World conference. Nothing will be required to set from itself to clients.

Companies Symantec, Oracle, IBM and a number of small suppliers (in particular, Okta, Ping and Symplified) also joined in a race of services of management of identification and soon intend to provide the offers.

Services of security in a cloud promise to clients economy and rapid implementation. CA expect that at least several companies will show interest in these services. Besides, the probability of adoption of the new hybrid approach is high after a while. Most likely, it will be interesting to enterprises to test the SaaS model, but hardly they will hurry to refuse the software of Identity Manager unrolled in their territory.

"We expect that clients will support the hybrid approach at which different components of a system will be placed both in their territory, and in a cloud — Liberti said. — CA will try to maintain such double orientation. We will offer the same who will wish to move completely to a cloud mechanisms of synchronization with corporate storages of identifiers which will be integrated with IdentityMinder in a cloud. Services of a hosting will be provided by two data processing centers of CA located in the USA. Connection with the directory will be established in completely automatic mode. The IT manager will be able to manage in the same way users and to receive reports on the portal. As price model, most likely, the monthly subscription fee considering number of users and the number of applications to which each of them gets access will be used".

Last year the CA company expanded Identity Manager product capabilities, having provided to clients the same functions of authorization and management of access rights to Google applications and, as to the programs deployed in their own territory. Despite emergence of management tools identification in a cloud, CA will continue to be engaged in distribution of the product Identity Manager in its former traditional type.