Developers: | RSA (Security Division of EMC) |
Branches: | Internet services, Financial services, investments and audit |
Technology: | Cybersecurity - Fraud detection system (fraud) |
RSA FraudAction is proactively the managed service developed for protection of customers, generally banks and on-line shops from a phishing, pharming and trojans. It is service for ensuring monitoring and identification of cases of fraud, sending warnings in real time, to investigation of cases of fraud and providing counter-measures, blocking and shutdown of the websites used for the attacks. Today hundreds of the organizations use RSA FraudAction service for protection of the clients against the latest on-line threats, for example, of phishing attacks worldwide.
'The phishing turned into global epidemic from which both the companies, and consumers sustain losses, and losses from actions of cybercriminals are measured already in billions of dollars. However e-commerce and on-line banks prosper practically in any corner of the world, - Peter Cassidy, the secretary general of non-profit global cross-industry association on prevention of crimes of Anti-Phishing Working Group noted. – The industry and the governments of the different countries jointly fight against threats and find the innovation methods of successful use of technologies, knowledge sharing and cooperation for even more operational identification and neutralization of phishing attacks which reduce efficiency of these attacks and reduce potential damage from them'.
It agrees to the report of Anti-Phishing Working Group made in November, 2011, the number of phishing attacks worldwide in the first half of the year 2011 (115,472) more than twice exceeded indicators similar the period of last year (48,244) and was practically equal to number of the attacks for all 2010. Nevertheless, the average time of unavailability of the websites because of a phishing attack was reduced in a year more than by 22% (from 13 o'clock both 42 minutes till 10 o'clock and 44 minutes).
'This achievement means considerable reduction of a loss of our customers and an opportunity to construct the safe environment to which their clients will trust, - the president of RSA Tom Heiser said. – Only for the first half of the year 2011 the RSA FraudAction service saved to our clients about 520 million dollars which they could lose because of such on-line attacks as a phishing and pharming. RSA not only improves profitability of business of the customers, but also increases fraud preparation cost, doing these cyber attacks economically unprofitable for cybercriminals'.
Basis of RSA FraudAction service is the team of experts from the RSA Anti-Fraud Command Center (AFCC) center integrating more than 130 analysts investigating fraud cases which work in mode 24x7x365 for blocking of the websites from which the attacks are performed, applications of counter-measures and conducting careful investigation to stop cybercriminals and to prevent the on-line attacks in the future. AFCC organized network of hundreds of Internet service providers and more than 13 thousand hosting companies worldwide, and provides support in nearly 200 languages of the world to improve even more possibilities of detection, blocking and shutdown of the dangerous websites where they would not be.
'To those, effects of a phishing attack, each hour its victim are not eliminated yet, for example, the bank or on-line shop, incurs heavy losses, - Avivah Litan, the vice president and the honourable analyst (Distinguished Analyst) of Gartner noted. – Web services of detection and neutralization of fraud proved the capability in practice considerably to reduce lifecycle of these attacks that means minimizing of potential financial losses of the victims of such attacks and reduction of distribution and danger of a malicious code which is usually used at such attacks to infect the computer of the end user and to steal such information as passwords and other confidential data.
RSA FraudAction Research Lab established that worldwide losses from phishing attacks in 12 months from the second half of the year 2010 and before the first half of the year 2011 reached nearly one billion dollars, and more than one third of these losses was suffered by the companies from the USA and Great Britain.
'Our service becomes more and more valuable to customers taking into account the continuing evolution and increase in number of phishing attacks which become more perfect also more difficult for detection, - told Mikhal Blyumenshtuk - Braverman (Michal Blumenstyk-Braverman), the general manager of RSA Israel. – Our team of specialists in on-line fraud works together with clients to reduce risk of the attacks of a phishing, pharming and trojans which try to compromise data of clients and to steal their money. AFCC is one of world-best the center of protection against on-line fraud because we are capable to identify and neutralize quickly the attacks still before they lead to substantial damages'.
The RSA FraudAction service is mentioned by numerous awards and diplomas of the leading analytical agencies and independent editions. In addition to providing services of protection against fraud of RSA Anti-Fraud Command Center issues the monthly report of Monthly Online Fraud Report with news and the analysis of trends of a phishing, including statistics on the countries most of which often fall a victim of the attacks, the most widespread directions of the attack and other data from a global repository of a phishing which uses the Center.