Customers: Tempk Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/10
Specialists of 1C:VDGB IT company completed automation of accounting activity in Tempkon LLC based on implementation of the software product 1C: Accounting 8 developed on a modern technology platform 1C: Enterprise. As a result of standard implementation of 1C high-speed indicators of document flow grew, the transparency of accounting increased, the company management received the high-quality analytical tool.
Universal program 1C for accounting of accounting allows to automate with high productivity the following sections of accounting activity at the enterprise:
- conducting accounting and tax accounting of business activities of several organizations in one information base;
- settlings with the organizations and advance holders;
- tax and personnel records;
- settlings with personnel on compensation;
- calculations for income tax;
- lot-based accounting;
- currency and trade operations;
- material accounting, goods, products;
- cost accounting and cost accounting;
- operations on cash desk and bank;
- settlings with suppliers and buyers;
- fixed asset accounting and intangible assets;
- calculations for the VAT;
- the regulated reporting.
The 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration is implemented without significant changes of functionality. Specialists of "1C:VDGB" carried out free demonstration of the program, installation and elementary education of staff of Tempkom company to work with it. At the moment the client is serviced on a subscription for 1C:ITS.
Source: website 1C:VDGB