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Complexes for scanning and safety of library stocks in Nazarbaev Universitete

Customers: Nazarbaev Universitet

Astana; Science and education

Product: Elarobot

Project date: 2011/10

ELAR corporation completed the project on equipping by the advanced complexes for scanning and safety of library stocks in Nazarbaev Universitete. The list of the implemented equipment includes 5 book terminals of ELARSKAN, a complex of automatic scanning Elarobot R-2, a complex of planetary scanning Elar Planskan of S2-TsA-400 and automatic ELAR-Kompleks for dedusting.

The quality of education at the university is maintained at the level of the international standards. It concerns the academic and research programs, the faculty, equipment by the modern equipment, etc. During the visit to the university at the beginning of December of this year the prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan studied advantages of the advanced scanning equipment which provides creation of electronic educational resources of new generation.

Using the ELAR scanners visitors of library can independently make electronic copies of books, magazines, newspapers and other training materials in open access. Complexes of automatic and planetary scanning, in turn, allow library workers to create and implement modern electronic educational resources in educational process. The high-performance complex of dedusting provides delicate cleaning of books in the shortest possible time. Nazarbaev Universitet and ELAR corporation are going to continue the further cooperation for the good of education and progress.