Customers: Tadzhprombank of TAKPBRR Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Bank Soft Systems (BSS, BSS) Product: RBS BS-ClientProject date: 2011/12
On December 22, 2011 in TAKPBRR Tadzhprombank solemn start in operation of a system of remote banking of individuals "the RBS BS-Client took place. Private Client" BSS Companies.
At a grand opening there were representatives of National Bank of Tajikistan, BSS Company, service providers and cellular operators. The bank told about systems capabilities and options of instant payment of services.
TAKPBRR Tadzhprombank one of the first in the Republic of Tajikistan starts the full-function solution for remote services for individuals which is focused not only on holders of cards, but also on the general population.
Commissioning of a system "RBS BS-Client. The private Client" sets the new standard of services for individuals in the Republic. The solution not only promotes attraction of the most active part of the population and increase in loyalty of the existing clients, but also helps to solve a problem of increase in financial literacy of the population, so — supports the solution of an important social and national objective.
The project is successfully executed thanks to harmonious efforts of specialists of bank and the staff of branch of BSS Company in St. Petersburg.
From this time, clients of bank can appreciate advantages and conveniences of the new channel of the remote banking constructed on the industrial and highly effective solution.