Since 1996
Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation
Nizhny Novgorod
603009, Gagarin Ave., 166, 3 floor
"IPO GARANT" is the whole complex of opportunities for professionals
The GUARANTOR system — daily updated bank of legal information with opportunities of quick and exact search and the complex analysis of a legal situation.
Prime — the daily individual film of legal news.
Legal support online — the services of the Hot line and Legal consulting available directly via the system interface of GARANT.
Electronic digital signature
Electronic biddings Electronic reporting
The All-Russian satellite online seminars — the service giving the chance to participate in the seminar of the leading expert broadcast from Moscow, to receive answers to the interesting questions.
Editions for clients are reviews of the legislation and news on pages of the corporate periodical press "Vestie Garanta".
Professional magazines — a subscription for the editions "Aktualnaya Bukhgalteriya", "Zakonodatelstvo" published by Garant company and others.
Consultations on effective work are professional advice and analytical materials on use of information legal support the Guarantor will help you to receive the certificate of the professional user afterwards. Technical support — the help in the solution of technical issues on work with information legal support of GARANT.
You can obtain the complete information, having contacted us: To the address: 603009, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 39, BC Switzerland, building No. 3 By phone number: (831) 461 - 88-33 Via the website: