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IES-Holding implements the solution of stream input of data

Customers: T Plus (earlier IES-Holding. Integrated Energy Systems)

Contractors: Abbyy
Product: ABBYY FlexiCapture

Project date: 2011/10  - 2012/01


The ABBYY company completed implementing solution of stream input of data ABBYY FlexiCapture during creation of the general service center and a single system of electronic document management based on the Accounting and Financial Service (AFS) company which is a part of IES-Holding.


In "UFS" the task to considerably reduce costs and to save quality of the provided services was set. Therefore in the company the decision to create the general service center, and in connection with it – the electronic document management system (EDMS) was made, considering the developed branch network and a set of separate divisions. With respect thereto it was necessary to solve a problem of implementation in a branch network and divisions of the company of a system of the distributed scanning of primary documents, their automated verification and the centralized storage the scan copies of outgoing documents in EDMS of the company.


Work on the project is carried out in two steps. Originally implementation happened in the divisions of the company concentrated in the Moscow region, in the next months the project covered branches in eight cities of Russia. Now a system allows to perform stream input and postprocessing of 50 thousand documents in a month, in the nearest future this indicator is going to increase to 1 million documents, or more than by 20 times.

Implementation was performed in a short time: from acquaintance to a system to a pilot project there passed only 3 weeks. As a result the test stand was deployed in the terminal mode, quickly approved regulations and wrote instructions for users. Also errors were fulfilled and completions regarding settings are made. Thanks to support of specialists of ABBYY began real to transfer to the shortest possible time the test version in an operating mode.

Systems capabilities allowed to implement quickly barcoding of documents that will make further achievable inclusion in the project of the financial accounting systems. At the moment ABBYY FlexiCapture is used for stream input of data in an electronic document management system of the company. At the same time scanning is performed on places in regions, and operators execute verification of data in an operating mode at the central offices of the company.

Using the solution ABBYY FlexiCapture already now in "UFS" function of document handling of accounting and personnel records is centralized. Processing of primary accounting documents (traveling, sick leave notes, etc.) due to selection of functions of primary documents acceptance, verification and carrying out them in the accounting system of the company is also standardized and accelerated. There was an opportunity more effectively to normalize work of employees at each stage and as result, to optimize number of staff.


"In the conditions of a lack of resources the task to reduce costs and at the same time to accept on service tens new the companies which entered a circuit of holding was set for us. Without centralization and automation of a number of functions it was impossible to solve an assigned task, – Kapralov Dmitry, the chief of information and analytical management of UFS company comments. – We used ABBYY FlexiCapture as rather simple in mastering and the effective tool. Besides, in this case the project did not demand serious financial injections that very much is entered in the general concept of cost optimization".