Customers: Paddington Gold Pty Kalgoorlie; Mineral extraction Contractors: TrueConf (TrueConf, VKS of Technology) Product: TrueConf ServerProject date: 2012/01 - 2012/01
The TrueConf company ensured system operation of a video conferencing of the leading gold mining enterprise of Avstraliiya Paddington Gold Pty Ltd.
Technical characteristics of the solution TrueConf Server completely conform to requirements of the customer. The decision on the choice of a video conferencing by system provider was made based on testing.
The Russian developer and producer of the systems of a video conferencing (VKS) TrueConf organized corporate network of video conference for Paddington Gold Pty Ltd, the Australian company on extraction and production of precious metals.
Paddington Gold Pty Ltd uses the program TrueConf Server server for carrying out video conferences between mines on extraction of precious metals and the central office of the company in the city of Kalgoorlie.
The feature of the Paddington Gold Pty Ltd project consists that the system of a video conferencing is created in the local corporate data network organized on lines of a radio communication of very high frequencies ranges (super-high frequencies). TrueConf Server gives an opportunity of carrying out video conferences in the local area network without connection to the Internet.
"The Russian market became for TrueConf the platform on which the reputation of the producer of a hi-tech innovation product formed. The reliable solution of a video conferencing found broad application among the companies of small and medium business and also among the large companies, – Lev Yakupov, the marketing director of TrueConf comments. – The products brought by us to the world market technically do not differ from those which we sell in Russia. They are completely translated into language of the customer and provided with technical support most often in English".
"At the first use the program well proved: we noted excellent sound quality, there were neither delays, nor a crash, nor other noises. The quality of video is provided at the high level: video "is not frozen" and not distorted. TrueConf Server has clear advantages in comparison with software solutions which work only via the Internet. Moreover, it is easily established and configured", – Vergel Licerio, the Chief information officer of Paddington Gold Pty Ltd comments.