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Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Oracle Siebel Loyalty Management
Developers: Loyalty Partners East
Technology: CRM - Loyalty systems

Loyalty Partners the East develops the coalition loyalty program of MALINA and provides the most modern, checked in practice solutions for management of relationship with consumers – the solutions created taking into account the best international practices.

The high-quality RASPBERRY database in which all information is collected with the consent of participants of the program and is used in full accordance with the legislation on protection of consumer information, represents a unique source of data on a consumer consumer behavior. Processing of these data with use of our own analytical models and processes allows to understand better patterns in a consumer behavior and to organize effective marketing actions for our partners.

Key advantages of the RASPBERRY program for partners

  • The card of loyalty No. 1 in the consumer's purse
  • Access to target market audience of consumers (more than 3 million people)
  • The richest database of consumers including demographic data and information on transactions in different sectors
  • The advanced instruments of data collection and processing providing efficiency of the analysis of the RASPBERRY database
  • Inexpensive communication channels (digital media, SMS, point-of-sale advertizing)
  • High brand recognition in target market

The loyalty program of MALINA is upgraded using the optimized hardware and software system Oracle Exadata Database Machine with a management system of Oracle Siebel Loyalty Management.