Customers: Aymanibank (iMoneyBank - Altayenergobank)
Contractors: Bank Soft Systems (BSS, BSS) Product: Crypto Pro Rutoken CSPProject date: 2012/01 - 2012/01
Altayenergobank entered the additional measures directed to increase in safety of the clients using the system of remote banking. Now for protection of access to the bank account clients can use the protected key Rutoken carriers of the EDS.
The RBS system of Altayenergobank represents the solution of BSS company – "RBS BS-Client" in which the full support of all models of identifiers Rutoken is implemented. The USB token option used by bank is Rutoken of the EDS – the modern information security product intended for the safe signature of electronic payment documents. Tokens are delivered in special execution: in individual color and with a logo of BSS company.
Transition to the protected key carriers for the acting clients is performed free of charge.
Dmitry Sokolov, the head of department of work with state structures and financial credit institutions of Aktiv company explained: "Rutoken works with the EDS via CCID drivers which are preset in the last OS. For assurance of payment orders it is enough to any client of bank having the electronic identifier Rutoken of the EDS to connect a token, to enter the PIN code of access and to perform the electronic signature of the document".
Andrey Dmitriyev, head of the department of IT of Altayenergobank: "Bank as the party rendering service RBS it is interested in increase in level of security of electronic settlement transactions, and implementation of the systems of cryptography with not taken keys significantly reduces risk of criminal acts. We will also make further all efforts that all transactions in the RBS systems were made with the greatest security level".