On Friday, February 3, 2012, Microsoft began a three-day campaign against the competitor with Google, claiming that its latest Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) browser successfully resists to tracking users from online advertisers. "We have a little fun this week", - Frank Shaw, the head of Microsoft company of corporate affairs wrote in the blog, hinting that products of Google underwent criticism.
Advertizing filmlet of Microsoft. Source: idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com
A little before Microsoft started full-page advertizing in editions of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today where took an opportunity to wound Google for the changes in privacy policy which are recently made by it. The initial advertizing action took place on February 1, 2012, the second - on February 2, 2012. In declarations comparison of products of Microsoft company Hotmail both Office 365 with Gmail and Docs from Google was given. Let's remind that at the beginning of February, 2012 Google announced changes in policy of protection and consolidation of these users from different services.
On February 3, 2012 Microsoft started advertizing of a new feature of a brazuyer of IE9 under the name Do Not Track. At the heart of operation of this tool - the list of the famous advertisers according to whom the third-party websites and the built-in contents are selectively blocked, disconnecting advertisers an opportunity to monitor movements of the user on the Internet. Earlier similar functionality was already provided to Firefox.
The text advertizing of Microsoft deriding Google. Source: marketingland.com
In the Google Chrome browser there are no such tools, however last year Google released the expansion for the Keep My Opt-Outs browser blocking targeted advertizing which is made by about 60 companies and advertizing networks.
At the moment Internet Explorer is not possible to save the share in the market of browsers as Chrome received a significant part of audience from Google. According to data of Net Applications, during 2011 all versions of IE reduced the share by 7.4% of point, at the same time Chrome increased the share by 8.8% for the same period.
The IE9 browser share in the world makes 11.6% of all browsers for desktop operating systems. The IE8 which is released in 2009 and not having means of protecting from tracking holds the share which is twice exceeding IE9 share.
Betsy Masiello managing the policy of Google so commented on attacks of Microsoft: "We always considered that it is better to focus on the interests of users, but not to state a negative concerning other companies".