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Russia is the worst in the world is ready to backups of data


09.02.12, 17:21, Msk

Russia took the place, penultimate since the end, in the rating of the countries on the level of readiness for disaster recovery of data. The problem is that domestic IT specialists do not even believe in reliability of the IT infrastructure.

Russia appeared on the 17th of 18 places of rating of readiness of IT infrastructure for disaster recovery, having left behind only Brazil. It is said in the research of Acronis implemented together with researchers from Ponemon Institute.

Russia was the outsider of rating matching on a set of points Brazil. It is surprising at the same time that despite generally negative reliability assessments of own infrastructure, the Russian enterprises manage to save a downtime because of failures in IT infrastructure close to averages according to rating to values, analysts say.

At the same time damages from failure to act of the enterprise because of idle IT infrastructure are assessed extremely low. It demonstrates that integration of work of medium-sized enterprise with IT infrastructure not such close, as in the developed countries, the document says.

Source: Acronis, 2012 

78 Gbyte of data on average go daily to a backup system in Russia. Most of all in Germany — 173 Gbytes, least of all in Brazil — 64 Gbytes, an average in 18 countries — 110 Gbytes.

On average 2.6 days a year IT infrastructure of the medium-sized Russian enterprise in 2011 stood idle because of failures. It is twice more, than in Germany — 1.3 days, the average in 18 countries — is close 2.2 days to Italy (3.4) and Brazil (3.2).

Idle times, including real loss, reputation costs and a lost profit cost them $310 thousand annually, by own estimates of medium-sized enterprises. In Germany (leader) of loss are estimated at $430.4 thousand, in Italy — at $260.7 thousand, an average in 18 countries — $366.4 thousand.

Only 2% of the Russian IT specialists believe that the infrastructure entrusted to them will pass any tests

7 main outputs across Russia

  • The Russian IT specialists estimate own readiness for recovery after natural disasters or accidents it is worse than all respondents. Only 2% of respondents in Russia are absolutely sure that their IT infrastructure will pass any tests.
  • In case of a natural disaster or accident of 49% of the Russian IT specialists expect long interruptions in work of IT infrastructure. Is more pessimistic the situation is assessed only by Italians (60%) and Brazilians (64%) closing rating.
  • At the same time Russian IT specialists least of all care for possible failures of IT infrastructure because of emergencies. Exactly 30% do not worry about possible failures of IT infrastructure.
  • The polled IT engineers and Chief information officers do not find understanding at heads of business when it comes about need of data protection and creation of backup copies of files and systems in Russia. 57% of the polled Russian engineers answered that the administration does not support their initiative of the organization of protection of IT infrastructure. In it most of all they are similar to technical specialists from Brazil. There in misunderstanding of the administration 66% of respondents are recognized.
  • According to results of a research, most often IT infrastructure suffers from inept actions of personnel. It more than fairly for Russia. We have a confidence in the correct actions of personnel at accomplishment of backup and recovery of systems and data is at the lowest level among all countries. 45% of the polled IT specialists complain of insufficient qualification of non-management employees of IT services and security services in Russia.
  • In Russia at the expense of data backup and recovery of systems spend only 5% of the IT budget. In this respect Russia is similar to Brazil and Hong Kong. Even less Italians — 4% of the IT budget care for backup. At the same time the leaders of the rating Germany and Holland select 14% for this item of expenditure.
  • Russia is included into the four of the countries where the damage from idle time of the organization because of the IT infrastructure put out of action, is estimated the cheapest way. Least of all damage puts idle time to Italy. At the list of the countries there is also Brazil and France.