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Баннер в шапке 2

Creation of a management system for satisfaction of personnel based on SAP solutions (webinar)

File:Webinar of molga.JPG

03.03.12, 12:07, Msk

We invite to participate in the open webinar devoted to questions of creation of a management system for satisfaction of personnel in the company. Creation of such system in your company will allow to estimate the level of motivation, team spirit and interaction of staff of different divisions, to purposefully implement changes for increase in loyalty and satisfaction of personnel, to keep track of results of training, implementation of new payment systems, etc. A management system for satisfaction of personnel – one of the main steps to creation of positive image of the company.

The webinar is intended for HR directors, heads of department of personnel recruitment, heads and compensations and privileges specialists and also Chief information officers.


The webinar is held by leading experts in the HR area

Kanardov Ivan, Head of department of personnel consulting of MOLGA Consulting. Was born on June 18, 1975 in Moscow. In 2001 graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University majoring in psychology. In 2008 received degree of MVA. Since 1996 develops trainings, technologies of distance learning. Since 2001 works in the field of HR-of consulting with the companies by market leaders. Develops solutions in the field of complex training, creates the systems of motivation on the basis of grades and KPI, builds the systems of an external and internal talent pool, etc. Took part in projects of such companies as TNK-BP, Media Markt-Saturn, the Russian sea, Mental-Skills, etc.

Bychkov Andrey, Partner of MOLGA Consulting. Was born in Gubakha of Perm Krai. In 2001 graduated from the Perm State Technical University majoring in "Automatic equipment and Telemechanics"; in 2002 – the Cross-industry Center of Retraining of personnel in "Administrative management". In 2001-2004 – the specialist of group of implementation of the APCS systems in Sputnik Group of companies. In 2004-2008 – the senior consultant of department of business development and service of personnel management systems, SAP CIS company. 2008-2010 – the independent consultant for SAP solutions in the field of personnel management (HCM SAP ERP). Since 2010 – the partner of MOLGA Consulting. Took part in projects of such companies as OMK, Megafon, M.Video, Rosatom, X5 Retail Group, Rosselkhozbank, Surgutneftegas, Deloitte, Enka-shopping Center, Severstalresurs, MGTS, TNK-BP Management, Lukoil Permnefteorgsintez and dr


  • Creation of the complete solution for effective influence on HR processes of the company
  • What is a management system for satisfaction of personnel? Systems capabilities:
    • analysis of the reason of routine of personnel;
    • efficiency evaluation of work of HR;
    • development and deployment of the organizational and personnel actions directed to increase in motivation and satisfaction;
    • measurement of effect of actions for team building, group cohesion;
    • assessment and performance monitoring of work of heads and divisions;
    • identification of factors of motivation of personnel;
    • identification and removal of strength between different divisions of the company.

  • Structure of the ready-made solution MOLGA Consulting and requirement to customer's IT infrastructure

All registered participants will get access to webinar materials. Acceptance of questions is open.

Participation is free

The webinar will take place on March 28 20120 g in 12.00-13.30 (Moscow time).

Advance registration is necessary.