Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Project date: 2009/09
System designation
- Creation of a system integrated risk management in group Sberbank;
- Identification and risks assessment of group;
- Conducting stress testing (top-down);
- Aggregation of results of stress testing (bottom-up);
- Calculation (aggregation, allocation, forecasting) of hazard rates (economic capital, RWA, EaR, etc.);
- Management risk concentration;
- Management country, business risk and other risks;
- Formation of the necessary reporting.
Choice of the contractor
On March 11, 2012 the tender committee of Sberbank announces results of the first stage of an open competition at the choice of the supplier of a software platform and the contractor on system implementation.
By winners of the first stage of tender are recognized:
- Beringpoynt LLC (the former KPMG Consulting) on the SAP Bank Analyzer platform;
- BI Partner Ltd (enters into the I-Teco group) on the SAP Bank Analyzer platform;
- FRSGlobal Poland SP. z.o.o. on the FRSGlobal RiskPro platform;
Selection terms
The Russian companies integrators and the Russian or international producers of software platforms having experience of successful implementation of similar projects in the field of automated control systems for corporate credit risks were invited and allowed to participation in tender. The number of the personnel of the company integrator having experience of system implementation had to be not less than 15 people.
Regarding the offered software platform the proposal submitted on tender had to correspond to the following criteria: the software platform should be successfully implemented not less than in one of large banks (large banks – the first 400 banks which entered the list of the The Banker Top 1000 World Banks 2010 magazine and having a multibranch network); not less than two responses about successful results of implementation of a software platform in banks should be provided.
What Sberbank risks
The most significant type of risk for Sberbank is the credit risk, namely risk that the partner will not be able to repay the debt in full or partially at the scheduled time. Besides, there are liquidity risks (the problem connected with insufficiency of any currency for a covering of obligations of bank), market risks (for example, adverse change of foreign exchange rates, the prices of precious metals or stock quotations) and operational risks (the loss caused by imperfection of internal processes, failures and errors in functioning of information systems, actions of personnel, etc.).