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Lenovo Cloud Storage

Developers: Lenovo
Date of the premiere of the system: February, 2012
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service,  SaaS - the Software as service,  DWH

The companies Lenovo also SugarSync announced in the spring of 2012 of Lenovo Cloud Storage, the first cloud service for data storage which will be widely used on the PC and tablets of Lenovo company.

Joint work of Lenovo and SugarSync is directed to creation of the leading cloud service which would allow users to work with data, to synchronize and save backup copies of files, photos, music and movies on different devices and platforms. Since April, to Lenovo Cloud Storage it will be available on new Lenovo ThinkPad and IdeaPad notebooks and also on tablets from Android OS worldwide. It is possible to load Lenovo Cloud Storage from SugarSync already today.

Lenovo Cloud Storage provides to users free 5 GB of virtual disk space thanks to what it is possible to synchronize instantly automatically files, photos, video and music through a cloud on notebooks, tablets and mobile devices of Lenovo, and, thus, data are always available to users on their devices. It is possible to receive virtual disk space of bigger volume for the mezzanine board.

Unlike other cloud services of data storage, Lenovo Cloud Storage works not only on the equipment of Lenovo company, but also on devices of other producers having Internet access including on notebooks, smartphones and tablets of all popular OS. The service also offers additional functions, such as joint group work, integration with social networks and data coding.

"Lenovo Cloud Storage from SugarSync considerably simplifies work of users with their constantly growing libraries of digital content. Now users can easily and quickly get access to the data at any time and in any place, – Mark Cohen, the vice president of division of Lenovo for production of notebooks noted. – Lenovo Cloud Storage plays a fundamental role in our plans for expansion of cloud services, opening new opportunities for users and the organizations worldwide".