Since 1956
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
Fedoseyev St. 2
Top managers:
Skaredin Alexander Nikolaevich
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Production technologies
Production capabilities of the enterprise it:
- construction more than one hundred kilometers a year trunk oil gas, product lines of different diameter;
- construction and reconstruction of compressor and bulk stations of any power;
- construction of gas distribution stations, the along-route power transmission lines, residential and process buildings, social and cultural facilities and any other objects of the oil and gas industry in the most difficult on a relief and extreme conditions on climate.
Construction quality control
In the company the system of production supervision of quality allowing to perform systematic check of construction production at all stages of product lifecycle is created.
The volume of control of products, the sequence and methods of its carrying out, controlled parameters and the equipment are determined by regulating documents of the Russian Federation, project and technology documentation by construction objects, instructions on monitoring procedure, programs of control for construction objects.
Mission of the Company
Sibtruboprovodstroy aims to strengthen the leading position in the territory of Siberia and the Far East on the following activities:
- construction trunk oil, gas - product lines of different diameter;
- construction and reconstruction of compressor and bulk stations of any power;
- construction of gas distribution stations, the along-route power transmission lines, residential and process buildings, social and cultural facilities and any other objects of the oil and gas industry in the most difficult on a relief and extreme conditions on climate.
Now the lack of pipeline capacities is characteristic of an oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation that attracts limited opportunities of the Russian companies on entry into the new markets. A large number of gas and oil pipelines in the Russian Federation requires replacement for a cause of wear that in turn creates the increased demand for works on their reconstruction.
When preserving of the existing trend annual production of oil in Russia can be brought by 2030 - to 600 million tons., and its export to China up to 90 million tons. This supply rate cannot be provided only with railway, marine and river transport, construction of additional oil pipelines in east direction will be required.
Development of a system of transport of gas assumes construction of gas pipelines: The Kovykta field - Sayansk - Angarsk, Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude - Chita, the Chayanda field - the Kovykta field, the Kovykta field - Irkutsk - Proskokovo. After 2010 - construction of the export Chita-Zabaykalsk-Harbin-Dalian-Beijing, Pyeontaek-Seol gas pipeline. Supply of pipeline gas to the western regions of China can be performed from the Unified gas supply system since 2012-2015 through the territory of Altai Krai and Altai Republic with connection to the transchinese gas pipeline the West - the East. It assumes continuation of the Barnaul-Biysk-Gorno-Altaysk gas pipeline under construction in the direction of Kosh-Agach - Kanas - Burchun - Karamay - Urumqi. Further in process of increasing deliveries construction of additional gas pipelines in a transport corridor Urengoy - Surgut - Kuzbass - Altai - China is necessary.
To the Russian Federation there is implementation of the powerful project on an oil pipeline construction Eastern Siberia - the Far East (ESPO) where Sibtruboprovodstroy participates in construction of the adjoining pipelines. Sibtruboprovodstroy is a contractor on construction of pipelines for Verkhnechonsky oil-gas condensate the field, the Kshuksky gas field in Sobolevsky district of the Kamchatka region.
JSC Gazprom implements federal programs for gasification and an overhaul of gas pipelines for which considerable amount of works executes Sibtruboprovodstroy.
The Company had strong business connections with Tomsktransgaz LLC, Tyumentransgaz LLC, Permtransgaz LLC, JSC Transsibneft, Volgogradtransgaz LLC, Kavkaztransgaz LLC, JSC Sibtransnefteprodukt, SUE Novosibirskzhilkomkhoz. In view of big perspectives of market development of transport infrastructure of a hydrocarbonic raw material in the Russian Federation, JSC Sibtruboprovodstroy actively develops the relations with new business partners.
Standards of corporate management
The quality management system is one of the priority directions of development of the Company within which the main objectives are:
- transition from quality control of works to management (management) of quality of processes according to the principles and requirements of the GOST P ISO standards of series 9000;
- accomplishment of all provisions and requirements of documents of a quality management system and permanent increase in its effectiveness.
Effective production process
Sibtruboprovodstroy at the organization of production process pays much attention:
- to improvement existing and to implementation of new technologies and methods of work;
- to maintenance of technological level of the Company, development of production base, upgrade and updating of the park of machines and mechanisms, increase in efficiency of their use;
- to use of the advanced means and methods of quality control of construction.
Personnel development
One of the major tasks Sibtruboprovodstroy is disclosure of potential and providing the high level of professionalism of each employee of the organization. A necessary condition for the solution of this task is creation of worthy working conditions, providing with a necessary social package and competitive remuneration.
Social responsibility
Sibtruboprovodstroy aims to participate in sustainable development of society, paying special attention not only an economic, but also social component. We steadily follow the principles of social responsibility which are: creation of the most comfortable working conditions, implementation of social programs for personnel, sponsorship and charity, payment of taxes, etc.
Ecological responsibility
Sibtruboprovodstroy aims to reduce harmful effects of production on the external environment for improvement of life of each person.
The company management pays special attention to observance of requirements of the nature protection legislation; to selection of necessary resources for the solution of environmental issues; to reduction of impact on the environment of results of activity, products and services; to search of new technologies, processes and materials for weakening of these influences.
Sibtruboprovodstroy performs programs for decommissioning of ecologically inefficient equipment, permanent carrying out monitoring and assessment of state of environment and implementation of new ecologically effective resource-and energy-saving technologies.
Strategy of the Company
Strategic objectives of the Company are a construction of facilities of transport infrastructure of a hydrocarbonic raw material, conforming to high requirements to their quality, security and reliability which are imposed by our clients, for profit earning in the volume sufficient for development of the enterprise to the level of the leading international company and carrying out reasonable social policy. Sibtruboprovodstroy it intends to reach competitive advantage and to take the leading positions among construction companies in the target segment of the market, combining economic progress with social responsibility and environmental safety.
The history of pipeline construction in Novosibirsk originates in 1956 when construction management of SU 4 and motor depot No. 4 of Omsknefteprovodstroy trust, and a bit later, mounting management of SU 3 was created (since 1979 renamed into construction management of installation works No. 2) and motor depot No. 1 of the Award of V.I. Lenin of Nefteprovodmontazh trust. The collective of a motor depot, already at number two, was included into staff of the Vostoknefteprovodstroy trust which is awarded the order by then the Labour Red Banner.
In 1980, on the basis of the order Minneftegazstroy was organized Novosibirsktruboprovodstroy trust which included both Novosibirsk managements, at the same time motor depot No. 4 is renamed into motor depot No. 3, motor depot No. 2 in the motor transportation enterprise-ATPP, Construction management No. 1 of Omsknefteprovodstroy trust which was based in the settlement of Beryozovka of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Construction management No. 4, Vostoknefteprovodstroy trust, renamed into Management of mechanization of construction, Management of a production and technology complete set and the motor depot of ATB No. 1 which was a part of ATPP of Angarsk of Vostoknefteprovodstroy trust, and at last SU-4 Kindergarten.
In 1982, for construction of trunk pipelines of large diameter, in NTPS trust the Complex process stream of V-8 which in 1988 is transformed to management KTP-8 is created. In 1989 because of reduction of volumes of construction of UMS and KTP 8 merged having formed Integrated technology management of KTU-8.
In 1993 the Novosibirsktruboprovodstroy trust is transformed to OJSC Sibtruboprovodstroy, and in 1996 registration of JSC Sibtruboprovodtroy, in connection with adoption of law on joint-stock companies is made. The Aleksandrovo-Anzhero-Sudzhensk oil pipeline, gas pipelines from Nizhnevartovsk to the cities of the Kemerovo region, and then and to Novosibirsk became the first buildings of the future of JSC Sibtruboprovodstroy. "Thread" was conducted on an impassable taiga and fenny swamps, lived in "beams" and unadapted cars, damned a komarye and midges, but work was handed over with excellent workmanship, having deserved glory among customers: Siberians will pass everywhere, and it is not necessary to remake. In 1980th and 1990th natural gas came to the Siberian cities, cleaning the sky over them from a smoke screen, reducing harmful emissions, a black layer the covering streets.
The collective annually laid 200 km of pipes with a diameter of 1420 mm. In 9 years in the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions constructed 12 gas pipelines. At the same time in Western Siberia carried out steel "string" of the gas pipeline of SRTO-Tyumen-Omsk-Novosibirsk, having looped back the hometown from West side. Gasification of Altai Krai became continuation of this program – gas came to Barnaul and its neighborhoods. The "Barnaul — Biysk with Branch to Belokurikha" gas pipeline was constructed. Gasification of Altai Krai continues.
JSC Sibtruboprovodstroy is one of leaders in program implementation of RJSC Gazprom "Pereizolyation and" Within this program we for the first time passed an overhaul of functioning gas pipelines from item-by-item dislocation to regional. Our complex – process streams are based in the Stavropol and Altai regions, the Volgograd, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions.
Now there comes the new era in development of Siberia, in mastering of its natural resources, and it is very important not to repeat errors of last years. Hydrocarbon production and construction of pipelines for their transportation should be the benefit for the territory on which they are, to conduct local population to higher level of life, but not to environmental problems.
So historically, from first years of existence at the enterprise it developed that prestige, professionalism, the high brand of execution of orders in collective were always highly appreciated. Our main wealth is people. The excellent quality of work and attention to workers – one without another cannot exist. Not accidentally in JSC Sibtruboprovodstroy labor dynasties work, each of which contains 40-50 and more years of an experience.
Not only the high salary in comparison with other enterprises attracts, but also the fact that all years of existence of Joint-stock Company construction of housing for members of collective continues. Now three queues of the 14-storey apartment house are built already (on two entrances in everyone), the fourth is under construction. Attracts our enterprise and the fact that the social guarantees written in the collective agreement strictly are executed by both employers, and workers. On any, even the most distant section for workers, masters and foremen a good power supply and medical care are organized, and the bath is under construction first of all. Sibtruboprovodstroy provides the workers and members of their families with permits in the Siberian health resorts, children's improving the camp. In other construction organizations for a long time also do not dream of such social guarantees, and we have them and work for the person of work.
We are proud of our veterans and we thank all who made a lot of things and continues to do in order that Sibtruboprovodstroy remained one of leaders among the Siberian oil and gas builders.