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2012/03/20 12:43:00

Clouds create jobs and bring income

Any use of cloud IT services of all types (public, private, hybrid) will create around the world nearly 14 million new jobs in 2015, the total amount of these services, in an income type from new types of business, will make same year will make 1.1 trillion dollars. Such estimates contain in the research report of IDC published in February "A role of cloud computing with creation of jobs" ("Cloud Computing’s Role in Job Creation").

According to IDC, in 2011 the volume only of public IT services was 28 bln. dollars, but nevertheless this values looks not really impressively against the background of 1.7 trillion dollars of income from general deliveries of IT of products and services. However the company considers that just in the next years fast process of any distribution of IT clouds around the world will begin. So if in 2011 clouds gave 1.5 million new jobs, then in the 2012th this value will be 6.7 million, in the 2013th — 8.8 million, in the 2014th — 11.3 million, in the 2015th — 13.8 million.

Nearly a half of a gain of cloud jobs (6.75 million) is necessary on two countries — China and India. Besides, in other countries of the Pacific Rim there will be 2.87 million places, it is slightly less in EMEA region — 2.07, and in North America — only 1.17. Such distinction of growth rates speaks rather simply: North America (first of all the USA) much more advances other countries of the world on the level of the current use of clouds. So, according to IDC, the USA in 2011 "produced" 62% of volume of public cloud services while in world deliveries of IT the country possesses 35% of the world market.

Use of cloud means will grow in all sectors of economy, but nevertheless the main volume (more than one third) of their application in the 2015th will fall on the sphere of communications and media (2.4 million new jobs), banking (1.4 million) and discrete production (1.3 million). Analyzing a situation, experts came to a conclusion that in many respects this growth will happen due to more and more broad application of clouds for accomplishment of functions, crucial for the organizations. Increase in the corresponding personnel will be observed in the organizations of all sizes though in a segment of small and medium business rates will be a little higher, than in corporate.

  • PCWeek source