Video surveillance system Intelligence on the sandpit located in the settlement of Ilmovo of the Leningrad Region
Customers: Argos-Trade Contractors: Vizzara Product: ITV IntelligenceProject date: 2012/01 - 2012/02
The VIZZARA company completed commissioning of a video surveillance system Intelligence on the sandpit located in the settlement of Ilmovo of the Leningrad Region.
The pit is in initial stage of mastering of resources and over time gradual expansion of the territory is planned. Therefore one of the customer's wishes - a possibility of systematic increase in number of cameras.
The choice of an end-to-end system of video surveillance and access control based on a software platform Intelligence was made by the customer on the basis of the available positive experience of application of this software package on different objects, including large industrial enterprises. The Intelligence system has modular structure that allows to expand gradually a security system and to increase its functionality.
In the project on equipping of a pit ensuring access control on the territory using the system of automatic license plate recognition of the driving and leaving motor transport that unauthorized export of sand will allow to avoid was an end-to-end system of video surveillance by the main requirement from the customer. This wish was implemented using the module "Avto-Uragan" Slow-2.
One of features of an object consists in its autonomy, power supply is provided using the diesel generator. The organization of work on control of the passing transport and also viewing a videoarchive can be performed both locally on an object, and remotely from head office in St. Petersburg using the mobile Internet.
The video surveillance system is implemented based on analog rotary and stationary video cameras of Panasonic with repeated approach that provides high quality of a video and viewing all territory of a pit. The video surveillance system includes a possibility of remote watching video from all television cameras on monitors of a post of protection and other automated monitoring jobs. All videoarchive is stored on the professional specialized ViServer-VS-Professional video servers of production of VIZZARA company.
Design, installation and installation of a system by specialists of "VIZZARA" took place in the shortest possible time. As a result the customer received the qualitative and reliable control system of access with all necessary functionality allowing to control entrance and departure more than 200 cars daily.
Thanks to universality and uniqueness of the project, the possibility of similar video surveillance systems at leading any other enterprises development and mastering of the territory appears.