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2012/03/26 12:00:45

Trends of the market and future of cloud computing

As our life accelerates, the staff of the companies becomes more mobile. Today even separate banks have remote workers, to estimate degree of risks of issue of this or that credit, it is not obligatory to be in office at all.

The directory of solutions of the class Cloud computing is available on TAdviser.

And modern working conditions become more mobile. Today employees enter corporate IT infrastructure from mobile devices of the house, cafe, in hotels worldwide.

Already now 84% of the organizations have far off the working personnel,  and more than a half of employees consider that that effectively it is not necessary to work to go to office at all. For the last month 87% of workers in the USA performed work from the house and also from remote offices and even cars.

By 2013 the number of mobile employees will be close to 1.2 billion, and this more than a third of all working people of the globe.

By 2016 43% of IT of workers in the USA will work far off.

And to service this trend, of course there will be clouds allowing to enter IT infrastructure of the enterprise anywhere from any device.

Already now 95% of employees use at least one independently purchased mobile device for work. Today on average the companies implement at least 4 devices. Over 65% of the companies implement already now or test  tablet computers. Many companies develop at themselves social networks, both external, and internal, directed to comfortable work of employees.

Growth of data

70% of information are created by people, but save its corporations.

Now more than 70% of the budget of IT are spent for maintenance of the diverse badly integrated structure of DPC.

In the USA the average company with turnover of 1 billion dollars supports 48 diverse financial systems and 2.7 ERP systems.

Every year the enterprises for data storage need 50% more place in DPC.

The quantity of e-mail accounts by 2014 will exceed 3.8 billion for 2010 them there was more than 2.9 billion.

Amount of data in the next decade will increase by 44 times, and here IT of employees – by only 1.4 times.

Development of cloud services

Last year already 15% of IT of the budget were spent for cloud structures.

To 2015 20% of the international companies which are not engaged in IT will be among suppliers of IT services and 20% of the companies in 2012 will refuse the IT of assets according to Gartner.

Development of broadband access influences development of cloud services. Already today in Russia SMB use cloud services. 80% of software are already available in a cloud.

The is deeper broadband access to network will get into SMB, the clouds will be more popular.