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Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order

The name of the base system (platform): Autodesk Inventor
Developers: Autodesk
Last Release Date: February, 2012
Technology: CAD

The Autodesk company released in March, 2012 the new version of the solution Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order which deployment in internetepozvolyat to execute 3D - visualization of lineups of products and to obtain price information in real time. It opens before producers an opportunity more precisely to predict cost value of design and production, more carefully to create project offers and to reduce delivery dates of products, says Autodesk.

The Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order software product helps to automate process of obtaining orders and the offer of the price, providing convenient tools in use for formulation of business and engineering rules. The data access via the browser provides Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order Server, and new templates and modules considerably reduce application development time for design of custom products. This opportunity allows sales specialists to analyze quickly configurations of products, without installing complete options of a CAD on the computers.

The Swedish company AP&T is engaged in development and sale of hydraulic press and production lines for mechanical engineering. AP&T provides producers of cars, the systems of climate control and home appliances with the new equipment and complete production solutions, using modularity of their configuration. "Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order opens unlimited opportunities and helps to reduce terms of development and accomplishment of the current engineering and project tasks — the project manager in AP&T Mikael Carlson said. — The error when estimating on key components was reduced from 10% to 1%. We understood what can really be projected five times quicker".

Unlike many other means helping to create lineups of products, Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order is integrated with Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD that provides an optimal way of creation of uniform digital model and joint work of representatives of different disciplines with it, developers explained. Thanks to the new application sales specialists can foresee customer expectations, provide compliance to critical requirements and precisely calculate potential profit. All this occurs even before formation of the project offer which is in due time created automatically. In it all customer requirements are considered, the comprehensive information about the prices is provided, and necessary drawings contain, reported in Autodesk.

"In all industries producers of custom products face almost identical problems — Robert noted Buzz the Cross, the senior vice president of Autodesk for product development for management of lifecycle, engineering calculations and the analysis. — Irrespective of the fact which specifically they create products — tape conveyors, water heaters, furniture or something another — Autodesk Inventor Engineer-to-Order helps to develop projects much quicker and with higher quality".