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2012/03/30 13:43:12

World Day of the Backup

Users of the website of social news of Reddit suggested to make date on March 31 in the international afternoon of backup. The offer was reasoned with the fact that never in advance it is impossible to learn what surprises it will give on April 1 therefore in the last day of March it is worth securing itself and the data, having made the next backup copy of own files. The initiative quickly gained steam, and soon the World Wide Web began to celebrate the international day of a backup to which even the separate website is devoted

The directory of backup systems and data storage is available on TAdviser.

Now the concept of a backup from especially technical phenomenon becomes more and more common. Nine years ago UNESCO adopted "The charter about preserving of the world heritage" in which it is noted that "information resources and creative works all more are created, extend, become available and remain in a digital format, forming thereby new type of heritage – digital heritage". Every year the mankind creates more and more digital content, so, only according to 2011 on YouTube more than 120 million rollers were laid out that is approximately equal to 25 million GB of data. By estimates of Research Firm IDC, in 2012 the volume of on-line content, in comparison with 2011, will increase by 48% and will reach the value of 2.7 zettabyte. The digital heritage needs well-tried remedies and methods of data storage. Creation of backup copies (backup) considerably increases safety of digital documents.