Customers: Federal Passenger Company (FPC) Contractors: Sabre Airline Solutions Product: Passenger Revenue ManagementProject date: 2012/03 - 2012/07
The American company Sabre Airline Solutions performed delivery of Federal Passenger Company (FPC) company of the solution of revenue management Passenger Revenue Management.
Now FPC implements the plan of upgrade of the company which provides implementation of software solutions Sabre Airline Solutions on revenue management that will allow the company to apply the newest technologies of forecasting and optimization for management of passenger traffic on railway transport.
In particular, FPC will use the revenue management system of Sabre Revenue Manager optimizing income on a complete route of the passenger (Origin & Destination) using technologies of dynamic pricing. Thanks to a system FPC expects to optimize own route network. Sabre in partnership with Trading House Vladimir (THV) company will manage an implementation project of Sabre Revenue Manager in FPC, to carry out integration with the existing systems and to train personnel of FPC in work with a new solution. TDV will execute delivery of a product and will provide its service.
Further to promote implementation of plans of the Russian Railway, the group of consultants of Sabre will work with FPC for implementation of new business processes in the field of pricing and revenue management and also the new loyalty program of passengers.
"As for questions of the deregulirovanny market of transportations, we undergo the same conversions, as airlines in the 70th years of the last century today. According to the results of the competitive procedure we selected technologies of revenue management Sabre" — Mikhail Akulov, the vice president of the Russian Railway and the CEO of FPC told.
According to Alessandro Ciancimino, the general manager of Sabre Airline Solutions company in Europe, "at the railway industry is much in common from aviation. Especially it concerns support systems of the made decisions. In both industries similar forecasting methods and optimization are used. To meet escalating demand for passenger traffic, it is necessary to expand a railway system considerably. Russia aims to derive the maximum benefit from the geographical location by integration of network of Russian Railways with the Eurasian and European transport networks, thereby increasing competitiveness of the Russian economy".