Oil industry
Since 2002
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
197136, Podkovyrov St., 27
Since 2002
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
197136, Podkovyrov St., 27
Specialization of Surguteks LLC - wholesale by oil and oil products.
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Company Info
The company is registered on May 27, 2002 by the logger Inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of the Russian Federation across Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The CEO of the organization is Isaev Vladimir Petrovich. Core activities are wholesale oil and oil products and broker activity.
The Surguteks LLC company performs the following types of activity (according to the RCEAP codes specified at registration): "Сургутэкс"
- wholesale by oil and oil products;
- auxiliary activity in the field of financial intermediation and insurance;
- operations on the stock exchange with share values;
- broker activity.