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Prognoz: Water Risk Filter

Developers: Forecast
Technology: BI

Water Risk Filter (development of Prognoz company) is the first online application for quantitative risks assessment, connected with water consumption in all industries worldwide. Rational water consumption in production becomes one of the major investment factors, but still most the companies, according to WWF, do not know what to begin assessment of the water resources and risks connected with their use with.

Water Risk Filter is the tool allowing investors and representatives of business without special expert preparation to ask the correct questions about water consumption, to estimate risks and to receive recommendations about improvement of a situation. Multilayer interactive maps reflect an overall picture in the portal over all countries of the world, and the intuitive analytical interface on the basis of a small number of the entered indicators gives the chance in read minutes to estimate a type and degree of risks of water consumption for the specific company. Besides, the portal provides to the user the structured set of ready reports which can form a basis for development of own strategy of water resources management.

The Prognoz company developed at the beginning of 2014 the new version the Water Risk Filter online tool by request of the World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund, WWF). In it models of calculation of risks assessment, connected with production of agricultural products are improved, interactive maps are detailed, new methods of adding of objects and information on cards appeared. Now to the user guide the cursor at an object for instant receiving risk assessment of environmental pollution in this area enough. Besides, due to use of the latest Big Data technologies the speed of work of a resource increased.

As the co-investor of the Water Risk Filter project the German company of investments and development of DEG (Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH) – one of the financial institutions, largest in Europe, acted.