Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Forecast. Estimate planning

The name of the base system (platform): Prognoz Platform
Developers: Forecast
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: BI

The current state of credit markets demands from bank of considerable human, information and material resources for the organization of process of financial management. System approach to estimate planning using the advanced software technologies allows financial institution to optimize administrative expenses.

In particular, system "FORECAST. Estimate planning" will help to minimize the cost, temporary and human resources involved in formation and control of execution of estimates of bank or financial institution.

Use of a software package will allow employees of the bank to simplify the following transactions significantly:

  • scenario formation of estimates of structural divisions and the consolidated estimate of bank;
  • the centralized collecting and accounting in the estimate of the requests for AHR arriving from structural divisions;
  • diversity of costs on the centers of responsibility or divisions;
  • formation and the statement of limits of expenditure of means by structural divisions and articles of the estimate;
  • the automated control of execution of the estimate;
  • accounting of documents of a contractual cycle;
  • reservation of means under the articles of the estimate;
  • formation and control of periodical payments;
  • accounting of the passing agreements in the draft of the estimate;
  • implementation of different types of corrections of the approved limits;
  • support of electronic approval of documents;
  • efficiency analysis of the procedure of planning.