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2012/04/13 15:30:00

Denim (the paid articles)

The paid article without die "As advertizing" — "denim" on a professional slang.


Denim types

"Denim" happens several types.

1. Sponsor's agreements, information cooperation. Legal format. Dzhinsovost is that the sponsor can sometimes affect orientation of the main content of thematic bands or the application.

2. Black "denim". Bribery of edition and employees. Not only unethical, but also penal activity. Black "denim" has the subspecies:

  • Corporate "denim".

The company brings a box from under the copier in advertizing department that lowered a task of edition to write the correct text.

  • Passive "denim" (blocking).

Through the specialized PR-agencies the company hires in editions of people (so-called indicators) who monitor that undesirable subjects did not get on bands.

3. The personified "denim". The envelope with money is transferred to hands to the loyal journalist who risks to lose work. Such type of "denim" of mass media's editorial office is in every possible way blamed. In any case, publicly[1].

Denim volume in Russia

The vice president of Guild of publishers of periodicals Vasily Gatov estimates the jeans market in federal editions approximately at $130 million a year. These are about 1/10 advertizing markets. Political "denim", according to Gatov, is paid absolutely legally in the form of "agreements on information cooperation".

Market leaders of "denim" Gatov calls mass newspapers: Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovskij Komsomolets, Argumenty i Fakty.

During Potupchikgate in 2011 the prices for covering of "our" actions on the Lake Seliger emerged. So, for a note in three thousand signs about Surkov's arrival (with the photo)

  • Komsomolskaya Pravda received 690 thousand rubles,
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta — 520 thousand rubles,
  • Moskovskij Komsomolets — 379 thousand rubles.

Afterwards representatives of these editions reacted to information on the bribability differently: the deputy chief editor of Independent Arkady Hantsevich denied that his journalists take money for articles. "MK" and Komsomolskaya Pravda refrained from comments.

There are whole publishing houses which gain the most part of income from the paid publications. In this niche hundreds of small magazines, little-known to general public work. Small circulation is bought up by customers of materials, the small companies for which any mentioning — plus to reputation. Among them ID of Rodionov for which, according to Gatov, "denim" in 2007 — 2008 made up to 80% of profit. According to the employee of the PR-agency, the band in the Profil or Kompaniya magazine costs from 5 to 20 thousand dollars.

The employee of one PR-agency told that once he invited the journalist of Rossiyskaya Gazeta to a press conference. That told that he will not be able to come, but about an action will write that will tell. Also announced quotations: article the size in a quarter of a band would cost the company about 10 thousand euros. Through advertizing department it would be one and a half times more expensive.

  • Moskovskij Komsomolets 1/8 A2 — $13 thousand.
  • RBC daily — 1/2 bands — $12.5 thousand.
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta 1/4 D2 — from $7.5 thousand (positive) to $11.25 thousand (negative)
  • Novaya Gazeta 1/2 A3 — $10.5 thousand.
  • "Arguments of week" 1/2 A3 — $8 thousand.

Editions of type of Kommersant and Vedomosti essentially do not publish "denim", caring for the reputation. But it does not mean that it is impossible to try to purchase journalists. According to one of former employees of Kommersant, the custom publication on the front page costs from $30 thousand. On a thematic band — from $5 thousand.

I called RBC daily advertizing service, having provided by the agent of the large company. The employee of advertizing service of the newspaper Dmitry Yashin told that placement of the paid materials in the main part of the newspaper is impossible. But he offered a half of a band in the thematic application for 720 thousand rubles. "This placement with branding. I will set an example as Skolkovo places, it will be pleasant to your clients" — Yashin told.
