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Баннер в шапке 2
2012/04/17 15:42:26

About observance of the rights of software makers

In 40 cities of Russia the partner companies of Microsoft corporation signed in the spring of 2012 the declaration "About Observance of the Rights of Software Makers". On April 3, 2012 the largest Moscow region IT companies joined the document. According to the declaration, the companies undertake to deliver to customers and clients only license software products, to monitor that their employees strictly observed all obligations under the signed license agreements, and they will announce the clients advantages of use of license software products and also to inform on all types of the risks accompanying use of the pirated software.

At signing of the declaration there were Pryanishnikov Nikolay, the president of Microsoft at Russia, and Sharykin Alexander, the minister of information technologies and communications of the Moscow region. The last noted that failure from distribution and use of the non-licensed software is the integral condition for development of the computer market.[1]

"The largest companies working in the field of information technologies realize that harm which to the Moscow region is done by computer pirates, and aim to correct this situation, openly showing the desire to develop the local civilized hi-tech market by failure from distribution and use of the piracy software. This step, certainly, will stimulate market development of information technologies and in general to promote increase in level of informatization of the enterprises of the Moscow region that we can only welcome" — Sharykin said.

According to Sharykin, distribution and use of the counterfeit software does harm to region economy in general: additional jobs at the enterprises working in the field of information technologies are not created the taxable basis of the regional budget decreases, the amount of funds which the foreign companies could invest in joint projects with the Russian companies conducting the activity in the territory of the Moscow region decrease.

According to a winter wave of monitoring, the share of the points of Moscow area offering installation of the pirated software made 15% and is almost equal Moscow (16%). For the regional market what the Moscow region is, the indicator in 15% is considered high. Feature of the region is that almost in any city there are one-two shops of local retail which regularly offer installation of the pirated software. In shops of large federal networks piracy level almost zero. Countrywide, according to a research of Business Software Alliance association and IDC analytical company, in six years the level of piracy decreased from 87% in 2004 to 65% in the 2010th.
