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GMCS will develop the SCM direction


26.06.09, 15:00, Msk

In GMCS the position of the director of business development will be held by Alexander Gomonov.  

In GMCS company [1] (file) to the position of the director of business development Alexander Gomonov is appointed. Mr. Gomonov will supervise the questions connected with promotion of IT solutions and consulting services of the company in large holdings. Besides, Mr. Gomonov will perform vendor interaction of solutions.

According to Alexander Gomonov, their acquaintance to GMCS company took place in 1997. Mr. Gomonov emphasized that he realizes responsibility conferred on it, and calculates that his experience will find application in strengthening of the leading positions of the company in IT market and increase in number of projects.

For the purpose of expansion of a solution portfolio and services the GMCS company is going to develop [2]the SCM direction and cross-sellings.

The GMCS company considers SCM solutions as logical addition of opportunities of ERP systems. Implementation of SCM solutions allows the companies to react quickly to the changing situation in the market and also to perform scenario modeling of the activity taking into account the current restrictions. Besides, SCM gives the chance to company management correctly and to timely make management decisions taking into account vision of the most significant elements of a chain of business on different planning horizons: strategic, tactical and operational planning. Therefore in the company consider that time for the offer to clients of effective SCM solutions now the most suitable and do not connect it with decline in demand for ERP systems.

Alexander Gomonov reported to TAdviser that the company intends to offer the clients a set of SCM solutions taking into account industry and other specific features of customers. Prime vendors of software products which partner is GMCS have own SCM solutions which the company we will offer. For example, today  Infor Global Solution has a number of very interesting SCM solutions. Some SCM solutions are going to be received from new suppliers – recognized leaders in the field of SCM. Work in this direction is actively conducted.

According to Mr. Gomonov, the selected SCM direction in GMCS was not so far though the projects connected with SCM were executed (projects in Mr.  Doors,  Valio, T-Pei, Polisang, FTD "Tsaritsyno", "Akwa Vizhion"). At development of the SCM direction own internal  GMCS resources will be involved, in some cases it is going to involve external examination, first of all, from suppliers of IT solutions.

As TAdviser as cross-sellings of GMCS knew is going to offer consulting services. Besides, special attention will be paid to promotion of special projects on risks assessment and management of internal control which are implemented by department of solutions of Microsoft [3] (file) of GMCS company.  One more demanded direction today – BI (Business Intelligence). In this GMCS area has strong team of specialists behind which shoulders a number of successfully executed projects based on the solutions IBM Cognos. Powerful examination at GMCS and in the field of control automation by personnel. Today the department of automated control systems for personnel of GMCS offers the complex HR solutions covering key processes in the field of management, training, assessment and personnel development.

Alexander Gomonov was born in 1966 in Moscow. In 1989 graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute majoring in "Automatic equipment and ADP equipment".

In the field of information technologies Mr. Gomonov worked more than 15 years from which he was engaged 12 years in sales of the software and consulting services to corporate clients.

From 1993 to 1997 Alexander Gomonov worked in Ankey company as the sales manager. Further in 1997 passed into EpicRus (the former Platinum Software) [4] (file) where from a position of the specialist in sales grew to the director of business development. Working in the company, Mr. Gomonov managed to achieve significant growth in sales and the conclusion of important international partnership agreements.

  From 2005 to 2009 worked in i2 CIS company at a position of the commercial director, dealing with the issues connected with sales and development of the relations with strategic partners. Besides, the questions connected with  development of the SCM direction fell within the scope of its responsibility. As reported, with its participation new activities were open and also a number of large IT projects is implemented.