Customers: Dostavka.Ru Contractors: Inoventica Services Product: DPC OF Parking.ruProject date: 2009/09
|, the company of the INOVENTICA group, in 10 days unrolled a hybrid cloud for Internet hypermarket which allowed electronic shop more than to reduce costs for support of the existing IT infrastructure by 50% and to increase its performance.
Rapid growth of popularity of online store, significant increase in the customer base, multiple increase in load of infrastructure in holiday days, existence of geographically distributed customer services of shop and all increasing expenses on a computer hardware and the software set the task for management of hypermarket of creation new, more economically justified, unified, "elastic", distributed IT infrastructure. The optimal solution was found jointly with specialists of as soon as possible. Were a part of the complete solution: the IaaS platform based on which new "cloud infrastructure" under control of own system of a provisioning and billing of Parking Cube is created; the selected physical and virtual server capacities for deployment of customized applications of hypermarket; the virtualized office infrastructure, including the Call center of the project placed on the SlideBar platform, basic and the application software according to the SaaS model.
Also efforts of specialists of for providing a back office of the project implemented the innovative solution of Unified communication (the joint communications) on the Microsoft Lync platform. This solution integrates telephone services, the IP telephony, the messenger, corporate mail with ability to integrate into CRM. Besides, performs monitoring and administration of a part of infrastructure of, and also provides data backup.
"Successful implementation of such difficult complex project as, in so short time confirms our leadership in the field of cloud infrastructure solutions – the CEO of Garant-park-internet LLC Igor Fedotchenko comments. – Such interesting and advanced queries confirm prospects and demand of cloud solutions, management of company received not only cloud continuation of the IT infrastructure, but also "broadened" the state with the best specialists in the industry".