Customers: Sertseyl Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: BIT:CRM 8На базе: 1C: Accounting Project date: 2011/11
Number of licenses: 50
The Following Functions Were Automated:
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Settlement with buyers
The configuration "BIT is set: CRM 8" the systems of the programs "1C:Enterprise 8" for the purpose of automation of trade accounting and customer relations in SERTSEYL company which is engaged in provision of services on execution of certificates of conformity, execution of allowing documentation.
The product "8" is intended to BIT:CRM for increase in efficiency of sales by automation and process optimization of customer relations. The program solves the following problems:
- sales management;
- management of marketing;
- analysis of sales and investments into marketing;
- service and maintaining clients.
As the functionality of a standard configuration appeared enough, implementation is made without significant changes.
User training to effective use of broad functionality of a system is provided.
Methodical support on work with a system is as required given.