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O7. Dock

The name of the base system (platform): National cloud platform of
Developers: Electronic Office Systems (EOS)
Date of the premiere of the system: June, 2012
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  EDMS


The national cloud platform is a complex of the integrated information systems intended for providing different level to executive authorities, local government authorities, commercial organizations and individuals of services in model of cloud computing. The national cloud platform of O7 is available on the Internet to the address The partner companies of JSC Rostelecom take part in creation of cloud services.

Within the presentation of the National cloud platform of O7 the EOS Group company provided a cloud service of electronic document management of O7.DOK in May, 2012. The EOS Group company was selected by JSC Rostelecom for cooperation from development of this service as the leading manufacturer and the system provider of workflow automation having all necessary competences. EOS Group constantly participates in legislative and methodical work in the field of document flow (development of state standard specifications, participation in development of MoReq2). Existence of a wide partner network – more than 260 partners in Russia and the CIS countries became one of the essential moments which influenced the choice of EOS Group as the developer.

The O7.DOK service allows to pass to use of electronic documents and to automate traditional office work processes. This service is integrated with a single system of identification and authorization (Unified identification and authentication system) that allows staff of bodies of the power or legal entities to get access to an information system, having authorized using the insurance number of the individual ledger account (INILA) or the electronic signature in a Unified identification and authentication system. The O7.DOK service is integrated with regional infrastructure of the electronic government, including SIEI (system of interdepartmental electronic interaction), and allows to exchange data with web services of authorities. O7.DOK is expected a wide range of consumers, first of all Administrations of municipal entities of small and small settlements and cities, departmental organizations of the different industries (health care, education, culture, etc.), the state unitary enterprises, and other small and medium organizations and the enterprises of any patterns of ownership.

The general document flow for all

Here developer – EOS Group company – and provider of service Rostelecom offer the "general" document flow when all interactions between departments, administrations and state institutions, individuals and business (especially average and small) happen on one remote platform. It means that any registered organization – the participant of business process – can receive dostupk to necessary documents for acquaintance and joint work, and individuals and businessmen – to receive desirable service with saving of time and moral resources especially as "O7.DOK" is integrated with infrastructure of the electronic government.

Security issues and data protection are undertaken by provider of service: Rostelecom, and implementation and technology maintenance – EOS Group and its regional partners will be directly engaged in sales of O7.DOK service to end consumers. Rostelecom offers all subscribed for service complex approach and flexible price policy. According to the statement of provider, the national cloud platform is capable to provide all necessary infrastructure, beginning from secure channels of communication and finishing with other services automating different fields of activity.

If to speak about approbation of the solution, then by earlier own forces the EOS Group company already implemented similar service (the truth, with slightly other functionality) in city administration of Kovrov even before agreement signature with Rostelecom, – a system successfully works there within one and a half years and proved the efficiency.

From where what undertook

According to the different analytical agencies, EOS Group selected by Rostelecom in partners is the leading manufacturer and the supplier of EDMS (electronic document management systems) having all necessary competences. It is in the lead not only in a public sector (61% of the market), but also in general on the industry of electronic document management (the first place from 28% in the market of SED/ESM according to DSS Consulting). Besides, EOS Group constantly participates in legislative and methodical work in the field of document flow (development of state standard specifications, participation in development of MoReq2). Existence of a wide partner network – more than 260 companies in Russia and the CIS countries became one more of the essential moments which influenced the choice of EOS Group as the developer for the National cloud platform.

The O7.DOK service is created on the platform of the ESM-class eDocLib. If to compare it on functionality to flagman EDMS of EOS Group company – Case, then the last is, according to representatives of the company, the powerful and functional solution, but often consumers do not use all functionality put in it. In "O7.DOK" the company tried to consider it and included everything that can be required by the organizations at the municipal and regional levels.

Promise that in "cloud" registration of different types of correspondence, control of passing and execution of documents, systematization and a categorization, search (on any combination of texts and attributes), version control, a statement using the electronic signature, storage and a subscription of users to content interesting them will become possible.

Funktsonat features

The difference of the provided service from own "cloud" platform of EOS Group eDocLib is that "O7.DOK" is the solution integrated with the regional infrastructure of the electronic government (RIEG). At EOS Group company in "cloud" the eDocLib platform on the basis of which it is possible to create different solutions is unrolled.

In addition, "O7.DOK" was considerably processed into parts of approach to document flow. In EOS Group paid attention to methodology – all document types which are supported by "O7.DOK", correspond to the current legislation. When developing service the company proceeded from the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477 "About the approval of rules of office-work for federal executive authorities", the federal law of 5/2/2006 No. 59 "About an order of consideration of citizens' appeals of the Russian Federation" and other normative legal documents.

Key feature of "O7.DOK" in comparison with solutions of other producers is integration with a single system of identification and authorization (Unified identification and authentication system).

Staff of bodies of the power or legal entities receive dostupk to services using the insurance number of the individual ledger account (INILA) or the electronic signature in a Unified identification and authentication system. The O7.DOK service is integrated also with regional infrastructure of the electronic government, including SIEI (system of interdepartmental electronic interaction), and allows to exchange data with web services of authorities. A system also supports functions of line scanning and allows to organize personal space (the built-in subject heading list, separate personal folders of any depth of enclosure and the organization, notification settings, control of performing discipline and so on).

Besides, in "O7.DOK" it is possible to attach and browse different media files, and it becomes online. If, for example, the citizen attached to the address the finished shooting video or a photo with information on any incident, then the official will be able to browse them directly in the browser.

Russia has one way – in "clouds"

It is possible that the service will be really useful to towns, settlements and centralizes work and interaction of administrative divisions and local departments. According to the vice president of Rostelecom Alexey Nashchekin, for such large state as Russia, joint work of territorially remote departments and departments in "cloud" – the most reasonable, and at times both the only way of the solution of global tasks, and cloud infrastructure allows to accelerate process of accomplishment of the state projects considerably.

The centralized document flow – a task really global, especially if to consider the volume of paper carriers and number of officials and employees of departments through the whole country which work "with papers". If it is correct to transfer "paper work" to "cloud", it will become easier for all – both citizens, and the budget.

As striking and positive example of document flow the American cloud visa service started for citizens of all countries in the summer of 2011 – filing of applications and electronic documents well from any place in the world where there is a connection to the Internet can serve in "cloud" for the Russian municipalities and departments, and process of receipt of a visa seriously became simpler for both parties.

However, Rostelecom is configured ambitiously too and is going to offer cloud services (and not least document flow) "for export": according to Alexey Nashchekin, in a national cloud initiative the high export potential is put. Rostelecom is confident in competitive power of the solution and is not going to be limited to borders of the Russian Federation. At the Svyazyekspokomm exhibition mister Nashchekin reported that already countries of Eastern Europe, the CIS and Latin America very much became interested in their project.