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Arbortext at the enterprise "Elektropribor Concern

Customers: Electric device (SPb)

Contractors: IRISOFT
Product: Arbortext

Project date: 2012/03

Engineering and consulting company "IRISOFT" together with research concern "Elektropribor" provided in May, 2012 implementing solution project deliverables on development of the operational service documentation conforming to international standards.

The solution on development of the operational and service documentation conforming to international standards is constructed based on the Arbortext software product, intended for the enterprises and the organizations issuing documentation as end products, and also products which need to be supplied with the associated documentation (schemes of operation, technical publications training benefits, the guides of users, etc.).

Several tasks were set for start of the project by Central Research Institute Elektropribor Concern: create a common information space for development of technical documentation; separate the document into the minimum logical parts (modules of data) which in the subsequent can be improved and adjusted by different employees and quickly undergo approval, and afterwards, to be reused. "Of course, there were many risks and concerns too, but we managed to minimize them and to turn in our advantage. So as a result of system implementation process of preparation of technical documentation using the GOST and RISSE standard was automated, the packet of user instructions and the draft standard of the organization is developed. We already prepare several sets of operational documentation for foreign customers, IETR for internal customers. Transfer process of documents on a foreign language is formalized, more than 5000 modules are created and filled, more than 50 users are trained and will reach effect of loan to 60%. At the moment input of a system in regular operation in scales of the organization prepares", - Andrey Sokolov, the lead engineer of Elektropribor Concern explained.

According to participants of section within which results of this project were provided, documentation is one of fundamental factors of successful promotion and use of a product. As a rule, than high quality of documentation, the it more relevant and more precisely, the qualitative operation and service of the product. Existence of an automated system allows to reduce time expenditure by release of the accompanying documentation, and, above all – to increase quality since reduces extent of influence of a "human" factor, allows to issue documentation according to the uniform standard, reduces temporary costs (making changes, the translation into foreign languages and so forth). The result is achieved, generally due to modular structure of the solution: the text breaks into standard modules of which it is possible to create the necessary instruction.

"Despite growth of volume of documentation, also the competition became tougher, and terms of commissioning of the project were reduced, - Dmitry Tsaryov, the leading specialist of department of implementing solutions of IRISOFT company noted. – Joint work of a large number of contractors and suppliers requires the uniform standard, and Customers, in turn, demand quality improvement of documentation, obtaining information in different formats and in different languages. In this connection, there was a need of use of the international standards such as: S1000D and DITA" (in Russia these documents correspond to state standard specification 2.601). As the speaker noticed, bases of these legal documents consist in four key moments:

  • Use of a single system of storage for the developed information;
  • Information is stored in a type of Modules, the minimum, independent units as a part of technical documentation;
  • Information is not duplicated (modules can be reused);
  • The text of the document and design are separated (a storage format – XML).

Creation of necessary documentation of a product requires observance of three stages: "creation-data management-publication". The first stage is performed using text (for creation of modular documents) and graphic (for creation of technical illustrations on the basis of CAD) editors. The second stage forms from the created database (right of access, management of ZhTs, reports, approval). The third consists in the publication: in the format PDF, HTML, Web and so forth.

As conferees noted, this approach has indisputable advantages: is uniform data source and provides modularity of documentation; gives the chance to repeatedly use collected data; process of an execution of documentation goes is automated; significantly costs for transfer decrease; and at last, the mechanism of data exchange is standardized and publications are personalized.