Since 1933
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
Izmaylovsky Ave., 4
JSC TRANSMASHPROYEKT - one of the oldest design institutes of St. Petersburg, performs the activities for the following main directions:
- complex design;
- inspection of buildings and constructions;
- environmental assessment;
- accomplishment of functions of the customer builder.
Society executes:
- process design of production workshops, body and support entities and also subjects to public and civil appointment;
- design of mechanization of intra shop transport, comprehensive mechanization of handling and transport and warehouse works;
- architectural and construction design of buildings and constructions of production, auxiliary appointment, residential, civil and public buildings;
- design of heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning;
- design of engineering networks and constructions.
The history of Society is inseparably linked with stages of development of domestic engineering industry, with development of the branches of science and the equipment used for defense of the country. In days of the Great Patriotic War the staff of institute entered the main contribution to the organization of mass release of armored vehicles and artillery arms at the enterprises of the Soviet Union that was one of decisive factors of the Great Victory of our people over fascism. Further on projects of the enterprise many manufacturing techniques of optic instruments, equipments for space researches, products for nuclear power and some other the industries were implemented.