headtechnology Group
The headtechnology company founded in 2000 to Lyudvigsburg (Germany) works at information security market of countries of Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Baltic since 2005. In the middle of 2012 council of founders of headtechnology made strategic decision on reorganization of all group, attraction of new investments and active development of the distribution direction of business. Today it is already possible to speak about a final stage of this process and obtaining preliminary results.
Process of reorganization included three main stages. At the first stage legal and organizational separation of the directions of system integration and distribution business of the company took place. The German office headtechnology GmbH which from the moment of the basis worked as reseller in DACH countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) was separated from other divisions of group which are engaged only in distribution of solutions on information security. Based on all regional offices the uniform international holding headtechnology Group was created. Now the holding includes 6 regional offices which are engaged in distribution activity in 30 countries of Eastern Europe, the CIS, the Baltic and Central Asia.
2000-2013 the German office bore on itself a role of the logistic, financial and operational center for all group headtechnology. Therefore the decision on separation of the directions of system integration and distribution business became an important strategic step which allowed to resolve the conflict of interest which was slowing down development of both directions.
Within the second stage the company was engaged in search and attraction of external investments for development of the directions. As result, in February of the current year the investment agreement with the new investor who was a part of founders of distribution business was signed. The financial resources of the party attracted within this transaction agreed to aim at the development of headtechnology Group holding. All resellersky business in Germany received the strategic investor on behalf of Raber+Märcker GmbH and actually became a part of the international group Konica Minolta, having saved all staff of local employees, a solution portfolio and resellersky model of business in DACH countries.
The third stage of reorganization includes optimization and change of all logistic and information infrastructure of headtechnology Group holding. Now the given stage is in active implementation phase which is going to finish until the end of the second quarter 2013. At this stage the uniform logistic center in one of the countries of the European Union which will undertake management of all financial and traffic flows of holding will be created. Also start of the new corporate web system of holding including the website, the partner portal and the blog comes to the end.