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2012/06/15 12:21:33

Distributed computing environments (fabric computing)

The Gartner analytical company predicts: with distribution of technologies of the future, such as distributed computing environments (fabric computing), Chief information officers will begin to dismiss subordinates. The automation of computing tasks characteristic of new type of infrastructure will reduce the need for house keepers of information systems.

Distribution of some perspective technologies is capable to lead to the fact that corporations will get rid of need to hold extensive staff of the servicing and supervision manpower for support of the computer networks, the vice president and the analyst of Gartner Carl Claunch at the Gartner IT Infrastructure & Operations Summit conference in Florida, the USA said. Among the technologies creating threat for jobs the innovation type of IT infrastructure — distributed computing environments (computing fabric) is on the first place.

Distributed computing environment is a technology of creation of servers, data warehouses and networks at which memory, processors and subsystems of input-output are considered not as the fixed architecture and as a pool of the generalized resources with a possibility of dynamic reconfiguration. Such organization of resources is capable to provide the maximum computing power for the solution of the most difficult and resource-intensive tasks.

Klonch told that the clients of Gartner who implemented at themselves technology speak of it with enthusiasm. "Large improvements as now computing systems of the companies for several days are capable to process tasks on which accomplishment months left earlier are noted", - the analyst reported.

One of advantages of new technology is that it considerably reduces load of IT personnel. Many routine transactions which were executed earlier by IT specialists manually in distributed computing environments are completely automated. This fact creates threat for employees of IT departments: automation reduces the need for their services.

According to the analyst, employers can begin to unroll directionally new technology to reduce a salary expenditure to workers of IT departments. Automation in distributed computing environments gives to corporations the chance "get rid of low-paid work" in the field of service of the networks and systems, having reduced service staff.

However, noted Klonch, many companies containing big IT department will not take such step. However their employees should prepare that from infrastructure maintenance they will be transferred on accomplishment of other tasks.

Who should not worry for the workplace in the world of distributed computing systems, so it to analysts on security, promised Klonch. According to Gartner, distribution of the innovation type of infrastructure will demand considerably new approaches to the organization of data protection.

Gartner included distributed computing environments in ten strategic innovations which will have the greatest impact on an appearance of the world of IT, in 2008. By 2012 the technology gained distribution in large computing systems. The software allowing to customize systems for work in the mode of distributed computing environment is already delivered by such large vendors as Oracle, Cisco, HP, Microsoft, IBM, Dell and VMware.