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2008/06/15 00:00:00

The largest ERP integrators in the Russian power and housing and public utilities

Need of accounting of specifics of business processes of the power enterprises leads to the fact that in the market of implementations of ERP systems in this industry local players with the acquired examination are in the lead.

During the research analysts of TAdviser collected information more than about 3000 ERP projects in Russia implemented by 309 companies integrators in 38 industries. The number of the considered ERP systems included the software products of 13 developers presented at the Russian market: 1C, IFS, Infor, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Business of Technology, Galaktika, "INFOSOFT", Compass, NPO Computer, MiraxSoft, Parus.

As showed results of a research, ERP projects in power and housing and public utilities have 50 companies integrators. In this industry in total they implement about 140 implementations. The largest players on number of ERP implementations in the market of informatization of power in Russia are three companies: Sayner, OXS and Infosoft. They execute about 30% of a total quantity of implementations in this industry.

Top-10 ERP integrators in the Russian power and housing and public utilities *

Company Integrator Количество реализованных ERP-проектов в энергетике и ЖКХ, шт. Доля ERP-проектов в энергетике и ЖКХ в общем количестве проектов, %
1 Sayner 15 83,3%
2 OXS 13 100%
3 Infosoft 13 16,7%
4 1C: Automation 8 8%
5 IBS 8 9,6%
6 Parus 6 6,8%
7 Compass 5 2,9%
8 IFS Russia&CIS 5 15,6%
9 The 1st Architect of business, 1AB 4 2,6%
10 Galaktika Corporation 4 4,4%

* on the basis of the analysis about 3000 ERP projects
on 309 ERP integrators, a total quantity of ERP projects in power 139
Source: TAdviser center

According to the research conducted by TAdviser, the largest ERP integrator in Russia by the number of the implemented projects in power and housing and public utilities is the company and Sayner which implemented 15 ERP projects in the considered industry. The integrator specializes in creation of corporate information systems based on SAP R3, has industry solutions on its basis. The share of ERP projects in power and housing and public utilities makes 83.3% of a total quantity of the ERP projects implemented by the company.

The second place by the number of the implemented projects was separated by the OXS and Infosoft companies which implemented 13 ERP projects in power and housing and public utilities.

For OXS company it makes 100% of a total quantity of the ERP projects executed by the company. The company specializes in implementation of ERP systems based on Microsoft Dynamics and mySAP ERP, has industry solution based on Microsoft Dynamics AX.

"Инфософт" specializes in creation of ERP systems based on CIS Leader. The projects implemented by the company in power and housing and public utilities make about 17% of all ERP projects executed by integrator.

The number of the projects implemented by each of other participants of rating, less than 10. So sharing 4-5 place in rating by the number of the implemented projects in the industry of 1C: Automation and IBS company have 8 implemented projects (8% and 9.6% of the total number of projects respectively).

The detailed table by experience of implementation of ERP projects in  power and housing and public utilities is given below. In spite of the fact that selection in 3000 ERP projects and over 300 ERP integrators in Russia can be considered representative, from the provided table it is possible to notice that the number of the ERP projects executed by integrators in the considered industry already in the 2nd ten positions of the table does not exceed 2-3 on each integrator, and since the 23rd position of the table the account goes on units at all. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the power companies, in the majority, are the large-scale enterprises, with difficult organizational structure. Therefore each implementation project of the ERP system takes long time and a total quantity of the implemented projects is not so big. The complete list of the companies integrators with indication of the number of ERP projects and the list of customers is provided in the analytical report of TAdviser "by ERP in power 2008"

Apparently from the provided table, among the companies having 3 and more implementations of ERP systems in power and housing and public utilities,  the leaders of the rating –  OXS and Sayner companies have the greatest orientation to automation of the power companies of the housing and public utilities enterprises (100% and 83% of ERP projects in power from a total quantity of projects, respectively). Meanwhile, among the companies which implemented in power and housing and public utilities 1-2 projects are observed enough the companies (10, or 20% of the total number of participants of rating) from 100% by industry orientation are such companies as "IT of Energo-Consult", NetSL consulting, "1C: The franchisee Vyatka", IT Rybasov Centers, "Automation of Business and Technologies, ABIT", Galfind, "Software Service Veliky Novgorod", Fireplace, Center of Information science, Atlant group that allows to say that in this industry the trend of creation of the special company integrator under the specific project is strong.

The Columbus company Ai Ti the Partner Russia (1% of ERP projects in power and housing and public utilities from a total quantity of projects) which takes strong positions in the market of automation of the trading companies has the smallest industry orientation.

Key players of the Russian market of ERP in power and housing and public utilities in piece expression *

Key players of the Russian market of ERP in power and housing and public utilities in piece expression *

* on the basis of the analysis about 3000 ERP projects on 309 ERP integrators, a total quantity of ERP projects in power 139
Source: TAdviser center

Based on a research TAdviser, Sayner company occupies 10.9% of the Russian market of ERP automation in power and housing and public utilities by the number of the implemented projects, the second place is shared by OXS and "Infosoft" companies - on 9.5% of the considered segment.