Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The Fiore company automates accounting in business of sales and flowers deliveries

Customers: Fiore (flowerfactory)

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Navicon
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2012/04  - 2012/06


The Navicon company completed the project of automation of online store on sale and flowers delivery of of Fiore company. The project is implemented on the software 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management platform.


Successful performance of the company in the market made relevant an issue of automation. It was offered to perform works on implementation of an information system to specialists of Navicon company. As a basis for automation the 1C system was selected: Management of manufacturing plants.

At the company three directions of business develop:

  • trade on the Internet ( online store);
  • trade in offline (a design of actions in flowers and flower compositions);
  • sale of bouquets via specialized automatic machines.

For effective functioning of all directions it was necessary to solve the following problems: purchase management, sales and stock balance. Besides, it was necessary to configure integration of the implemented solution 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management with a 1C system: Bitrix at which the website of online store works.


Solution integration with the website of shop allowed the staff of the company to obtain information on orders. According to business processes this information is transferred on a chain from the operator to the employee of a warehouse and the florist. In a system it is reflected the process chart in which all components of the order are specified, and its execution is noted. At any time in a system it is possible to see at what stage there is an order. Based on its accomplishment in the database information on the specific order and also data on two other activities – a design of actions by flower compositions and their sale via specialized automatic machines is unloaded. In the automatic mode a system calculates data on existence of goods and stock remainders. On the basis of this information new offers for online store form.


Within the project problems of purchase management, were solved by sales and stock balance. Distinctive feature of the project is use of cloud computing which allowed to transfer all data and work with them to remote servers.


"In a project deliverable we solved some of the most relevant problems. Besides, made transparent process of the movement of goods that allows not only to see implementation phase of the order, but also stock remainders. It should be noted one more moment: thanks to data transfer in "clouds", we managed to save on IT services and to shift work on administration of servers to outsourcers. Specialists of Navicon helped with the choice of the contractor and conducted all communications with it", - Kirill Pindyurin, the CEO of customer company notes.