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2010/11/07 00:00:00

MAV company: all shades and BI paints

The MAV company works more than 15 years at the market of paint and varnish products. The company has the modern hi-tech equipment, powerful research base at the order. Corporate products of "MAV" are in demand in Russia, Belarus, in Ukraine, in the Baltics, Armenia. About the experience use of a subsystem of BI as a part of the information platform Galaktika the TAdviser Center was told by Alexander Stanislavovich Pavlyut, the associate director on business concerns of MAV company.

TAdviser: How did you come to the decision on need to implement the Galaktika of BI block?

Alexander Pavlyut: MAV Galaktika since 1997 uses the ERP system. During this time we already managed to get acquainted with a system, to optimize it, to adapt to the conditions. Passed through updating (upgraded to the eighth version). At the present stage at the enterprise special attention is paid to processes of promotion of our products. We have a functional department which promotes also logistics, except it there is still professional marketing department. As these departments developed, it became clear that they lack only those present and those possibilities which can provide as it became clear "Galaktika ERP". A lot of time at them left on data collection and processing. We handled this problem in Galaktika and asked what exit they can offer us. They recommended to us to pay attention to their new, only released then product "Galaktika of BI". So with the BI block, we work since fall of 2007.

At first this program was for us too "general", in it standard approaches, without specifics of structure of the enterprise and specifics of the range were implemented, our regional approaches were not reflected there. But, as it appeared, the program easily adapts, practically as plasticine. In it very large supply of durability as I think – boundless as a system can "squeeze out" a maximum of data which are in Galaktika is put. As a result, everything that remains to us – it is correct to work with the ERP system, competently and timely filling it.

TAdviser: What problems do you solve at the enterprise with the help Galaktika of BI now?

Alexander Pavlyut: If to formulate in general – BI allows us to adjust competently assortment policy, price policy, regional policy, to build commodity distribution structure.

Besides, we have a clear understanding of the fact that in process of promotion forward we have an opportunity more deeply to see and study a problem in parts. Thereby we have an opportunity to differentially use policy of sales. And on the other hand, the policy of sales pointwise influences different study of segments. Thanks to BI we have an opportunity to see subsegments in segments. In segments there are, as we know, features which understanding, allow us is already proved to incur expenses, allocating with additional properties materials for increase in their consumer qualities. We at the enterprise have the powerful paint and varnish laboratory, and proceeding from received by us in BI of digits we can offer finally the selected segment what will be demanded there.

"MAV" makes more than 60 product names today if to take a variety of packing into account, then this quantity increases in a fivefold size and if also to take all variety of flowers, then finally it is possible to speak about thousands of assortment positions. In total in the nomenclature reference book for all the time of use of a system more than 16 thousand product names are saved up. It would be impossible to manage it just like that, and thanks to BI everything rose on the places.

For example, in BI there is such subsection as stock balance. Making the plan for release and sale of products, we understand already in advance what amount of input products at us is not enough in a warehouse. We can obtain such data within monthly and even annual plans, it is very convenient. It is possible to trace goods turnover rate on warehouses including regional.

Our basis the mechanism of compoundings is. In process of development these compoundings appear in Galaktika, and then all process of supply and sale becomes interconnected. Selling products, any its range, we actually see how many raw materials leave as all this is reflected in product cost as its price changes, for example, when importing raw materials and so on.

It seems to me that today this system can accompany business with the different directions. We, for example, also make products, and very wide range, and we implement it through the mixed network - and through own warehouses in regions, and through dealer networks. We have many partners. The logistics system which very accurately should function is developed for their service. A condition necessary for this purpose net surfing, we have all document flow – in electronic form, including with dealers and remote warehouses. The software weaved in itself all logistic network. As for BI, now we study a possibility of providing remote access to these tools to area managers which promote materials and often are in "fields".

TAdviser: Whether you counted performance indicators (ROI, etc.) separately for the BI block? Or, having realized need of implementation of BI tools, you were ready for any costs?

Alexander Pavlyut: No, of course, the price was not indifferent for us. In general at a certain stage at us not enough investments were made in development of IT. And studying the implementation cost of BI, we understood that it is the additional clause of expenses, but we went to it. First, the Galaktika company gave us certain discounts. Secondly, it stretched in time, i.e. payments on us did not pull hard as a snowball. We found a common language with the developer, Corrected plans concerning items of expenditure. And as the program began to work, were convinced that were not mistaken in the expected effect.

Information processing rate, so and timeliness of decision making allow us to carry out all tasks which we to ourselves set in 2007 - 2009 years – on redistribution of the range, change of a ratio of the sold materials. Isolated groups more and less profitable, more and less perspective materials, created assortment lines thanks to already these opportunities, and now we can very quickly as it is required by the developed situation, hold various corrective actions. Therefore economic effect, finally, is incommensurable to costs for software.

TAdviser: Whether it was required to provide training? What was Lokomotiv in your case - users had to be "held on" to the level of the opportunities implemented in a system, or a system had to be "brought" to the level of requests of users?

Alexander Pavlyut: Likely, it is necessary to part these concepts. In Galaktika all those moments which are necessary for us are put. What is necessary finally for any system - it is to answer specifics of the client. At each of them the requirements. Profit all consider, it so. But at us, for example, in some cases, evaluation criteria, the accounting units, the criteria for evaluation of efficiency act. To conduct planning and not to create additional difficulties to the employees, it was necessary to simplify some categories while they in parallel progress in knowledge.

For example, our implementation plans are led up in the tonnage. Finally it allows the staff of regional departments not to spend time for some economic calculations (what range more profitable to sell), it at the head of a corner, but marketing, economic department is engaged in it. Everything is coordinated. Everyone accurately represents borders of the powers. Therefore when the plan happens, it does not take away time for additional calculations, recalculations, possible intrigues any more. Time is precious.

When we visit in Galaktika company on seminars and the presentations, and it happens rather regularly, in the course of the story about software opportunities we can select at once that it is necessary for us. Asking directly to us the questions, programmers of Galaktika can enter completions, i.e. the put potential goes to the necessary direction, depending on the client's wishes.

Now at us at the enterprise users of Galaktika are about 100 people, from them about 20 use the BI block, it is sales department, sales office, regional representative offices and directly managers.

As for our IT specialists, Galaktika is interested in having qualified personnel from our party. It in every possible way it is promoted, meet requirements of us. Our employees repeatedly were at them on training, from us hide nothing, willingly share any information.

TAdviser: Whether you considered the possibility of transition to other information platforms?

Alexander Pavlyut: When we have wishes or difficulties, we are absolutely sure that the Galaktika company and in itself has huge potential, we have no concerns that ours "a blood system" will sometime stop. All is very timely and quickly studied, there are errors, offers are made. Always there is an understanding that we resolve any issue. From this point of view we do not have sense at all to look for some new products. As for cost estimation or other options, all of them are equally periodically studied. But it is rather even not to pass to other system and that "spot" some things useful to us - at whom else that is.

We at the enterprise have a need to automate production process. We were even tempted as an experiment to use other IT products compatible to Galaktika for these purposes. But when case reached discussion of conditions and opportunities, only that first acquaintance already showed that will not offer us what is necessary. And on time it will drag on for a long time, and at specialists who had to undertake it, there were many questions. And, eventually, it ended with nothing. "Galaktika" meets our expectations. One doesn't look for good from good.

TAdviser: What advantages did use of the BI block give MAV companies?

Alexander Pavlyut: Today we almost do not waste time for collecting of analytical information. It is provided to us already in finished form, and by those problems which we solve.

"Galaktika" allows us to optimize and integrate processes not only managerial, but also accounting. Today we have already an algorithm which coordinates this work so that everything worked as the uniform mechanism. The reporting which we create today allows us to receive the commensurated digits which need to be had for formation of cost value in production, cost value as a result of sales, and then to adjust work.

Rate of the movement in the market became much higher. At this stage our processes are ready to it. Now there is an opportunity without the additional temporary losses connected with preparation to generalize information and to sum up the results of work of different departments of the enterprise, and it at us rather big, all works at it about 300 people and to set specific objectives, proceeding from the received digits.

Big advantage of this program is that it allows to support an organization structure of the enterprise, especially that part which directly participates in promotion of products. We have many multidirectional departments, a big branch network, they should be the uniform mechanism.

If to return to the range and in general to the market, one may say, that we manage to see them in three-dimensional space. Each region develops itself in own way, and we could not make correctly decisions if we measured all by one meter. And now at us it turns out to approach development of regions very differentially.

The BI block provides much higher data processing rate. "Galaktika ERP" works much more slowly, regarding formation of different reports. The BI block allows us to receive reports for any period quickly. It is important also by preparation for different seminars, they at us are often held. To us always is what to tell, and in this case, it not transfusion "from empty in empty".

In one textbook on BI such phrase – "got to me if you cannot measure it, then and will not be able to manage it". Galaktika and its subsystem of BI give us the chance to correspond to this condition. There is an opportunity to do process subject, and it is not necessary to wait, meanwhile somewhere itself will be shown, "will get out outside". As soon as we implemented BI and adapted it, we minimized an opportunity to live by such principle, waiting. Now we manage to advance events.