Ministry of Internal Affairs: An analytical system for traffic safety
Within the Federal target program "Increase in Traffic Safety in 2006-2012." the Prognoz company develops the Multiple parameter information and analytical system of modeling and forecasting of a situation in the field of security of traffic (MIAS). Its use will allow Department of OBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and further – to all ministries and departments participating in traffic security process to make the justified management decisions directed to decrease in level of road and transport accident rate, social and economic damage and other negative effects of the road accidents and also will increase efficiency of interaction of federal and regional divisions of the State traffic inspectorate. About features of the project the TAdviser Center was told by the head of department of the analysis and forecasting of security status of traffic of Department of OBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kurshev.
TAdviser: The multiple parameter information and analytical system of forecasting and modeling of a situation in the field of security of traffic (MIAS) is the whole complex of solutions for use at the federal and regional levels, for interaction of Department of OBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and regional divisions of the State traffic inspectorate. How the structure of this solution was developed? How tasks and the purposes of its creation were initially formulated?
Vladimir Kurshev: System development was conducted in several stages. On the first stage there was a problem of creation of a system of federal level which would allow to automate the functions concerning monitoring, the analysis and forecasting of a situation in the field of traffic safety in regions and Russia in general. It was necessary to develop the solutions allowing to analyze all road accident parameters including the reasons, factors, time and the place, characteristics of participants of incident, a status of the motor transportation park of the region, the number of the issued car driver licenses and also indicators of work of divisions of traffic police and their activity in the field of promotion of traffic safety. Also techniques and software tools were developed for modeling of a situation in the field of traffic safety and calculation of forecast values of key indicators of accident rate.
On the next stages the standard regional system allowing to perform monitoring, the analysis and modeling of indicators of traffic safety on certain territorial subjects of the Russian Federation was created. Now there is active implementation of this system. In parallel there was a development and accumulation of functionality of MIAS of federal level taking into account emergence of new analytical tasks.
TAdviser: Whether there are analogs of such system in Russia and in the world whether they were studied, whether their experience during creation of the solution was used? How created system conforms to the international standards?
Vladimir Kurshev: The developed system is unique and has no analogs. A system was shown to representatives of the different Federal executive authorities, Russian and foreign organizations directly or indirectly participating in traffic security process. All of them highly appreciated the developed system, also creations of analogs of MIAS became interested in the departments in the accessibility to its information and analytical resources.
TAdviser: The contractor, the Prognoz company, was selected from the course of an open tender. What caused the choice of this developer?
Vladimir Kurshev: The Prognoz company has wide experience in development of information and analytical systems and decision making support systems. Use of the available practices and also application as the platform for development of the system of the analytical PROGNOZ-5 complex allowed to perform system development in the shortest possible time and with the greatest efficiency.
TAdviser: Of what blocks does a system consist? Who has data access?
Vladimir Kurshev: The Centralized data warehouse, the monitoring Subsystem executing control of the current situation in the field of BDD, the Analytical subsystem performing the detailed analysis of current situation and identification of the most problem directions of accident rate, the Subsystem of modeling and forecasting and also visualization tools and administrations are a part of MIAS.
Now a system functions on technical means of Department of OBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the regional Departments of Internal Affairs. Most of employees of Department and also operating regional units of the State traffic inspectorate have access to it.
TAdviser: How data collection is organized? What data contain in a system? What now volume of accumulated information? With what efficiency do data get to a system? How the quality of data is provided?
Vladimir Kurshev: A basis of a system is the Centralized data warehouse comprising as information from internal sources (a card of accounting of the road accidents, a form of statistical reporting of traffic police), and external (this Rosstat, FTS, data of Rosavtodor, Emercom of Russia, etc.).
Most in detail the block of accident rate is provided to MIAS: at the moment in a system more than 7.5 thousand indicators representing a situation in different cuts are used. A system contains information from 1997. The supplied on accident rate and operational information on administrative practice comes to a system monthly, different data on forms of statistical reporting are loaded into the system of times a year or half-year.
Data collection is performed by different methods: as from the files provided by the Main information and analytical center Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (GIATs) and from received directly from regional divisions of traffic police. Proceeding from it, GIATs is responsible for completeness and quality of the provided information, but in a system the load facilities providing quality of input data are also implemented.
TAdviser: What analytics does a system allow to receive? How can it influence the made management decisions?
Vladimir Kurshev: The main advantage of MIAS consists that it allows to obtain fully quickly practically any information in the field of traffic safety, to reveal the most problematic issues in the circumstances of accident rate and to make the relevant management decisions.
Means of MIAS allow to create the reports containing the detailed analysis of current situation of accident rate, text references in the main directions of monitoring of road and transport injury rate, to carry out the analysis of places of concentration of road accident on federal highways, to reveal the most problem directions of accident rate and to compare them to the loudspeaker with indicators of administrative practice.
At the moment the majority of information and analytical materials of Department on the basis of which the relevant management decisions on decrease in level of accident rate are made prepare using MIAS.
TAdviser: Qualification of end users is how important for effective work with a system?
Vladimir Kurshev: Users are the staff of Department and also operating regional units of the State traffic inspectorate. Work with a System does not require any special skills. The interface is clear and structured so that to provide the fastest accomplishment of the set analytical task.
TAdviser: How the efficiency of use of a system is estimated? What results already managed to be achieved?
Vladimir Kurshev: A system allows to assess current situation in rather complete measure and to specify activities for its settlement. So, using a System it was succeeded to analyze and draw due attention to such problematic issues as accident rate with participation of buses, mopeds, road accident at crosswalks; reveal dangerous sections of federal roads, including sections on which at commission of incident the unsatisfactory road conditions or traffic offenses connected by departure on a band of oncoming traffic were recorded.
The sure downward tendency of number of road accident and number of injured people in them can be an indicator of effective use of a system.
TAdviser: How will a system develop further?
Vladimir Kurshev: A system constantly develops taking into account emergence of new analytical tasks. Methods and means of the analysis and modeling of indicators of traffic safety are improved.
The main directions of development of MIAS are the solution of topical problematic issues on accident rate on motor transport, improvement of mechanisms of information exchange between regional and federal levels, creation of means of management accounting and control of activity of regional divisions of traffic police and also establishing interdepartmental information exchange in the field of traffic safety.