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2010/11/07 00:11:11

BI: Interview with the Prime Minister of Perm Krai

In modern  society  information technologies are one of instruments of increase in efficiency of the public and municipal administration. Questions of the TAdviser Center of use of analytical functionality  of the Program and analytical FORECAST complex for optimization of work of edge administration were answered by the Prime Minister of Perm Krai Valery Sukhikh.

TAdviser: What aims were pursued by creation of the single centralized analytical platform?

Valery Sukhikh: Today the Administration of the governor of Perm Krai and the Government of Perm Krai built the uniform centralized control system of authorities. It is reflected also in functional and target management model which is put into operation by the order of the governor. Uniform standards, regulations, approaches to the solution of different questions are necessary for support of such management system.

At enforcement of functional and target management model there was a need not only to regulate regulations and job descriptions, but also to develop uniform instruments of analytical information processing which would allow all authorities "speak one language", work in uniform information and methodological space. With respect thereto we decided to create the centralized analytical platform. Its use allows us to be based at development of the solutions on the same data. Today the information and analytical system ensures functioning with information on the principle of "single window". We excluded duplication of requests in municipalities and we have a uniform source of information for development of management decisions.

TAdviser: Creation of uniform storage of statistical data on socio-economic indexes of Perm Krai became the first block of a system. What data are collected in this subsystem from where they arrive? Than these data are useful for what adoption of solutions they are used?

Valery Sukhikh: Really, creation of the uniform data warehouse became the first stage of creation of an information and analytical system of Perm Krai. The purpose was to provide authorities, the government, administration, the governor with that information which is necessary for the analysis of a situation in the region, comparisons of rates and parameters of development of edge with similar indicators of other regions, developments of different management decisions.

We began with bodies of statistics and provided daily information exchange with Permstat. Undoubtedly, important sources of information are municipal entities from which we obtain information with weekly and monthly frequency. Also information from the federal authorities provided in the territory of Perm Krai is consolidated in the data warehouse: tax administration and Federal Treasury. At present need of regular market monitoring of work for us very important data source – the Agency on employment of the population.

In 2009 we began to collect information from the key enterprises of Perm Krai. Use of primary information of economic entities allows us "have the finger on the pulse" and to react quickly to changes in the social sphere and economy of edge that is especially important in the conditions of the global economic crisis.

One more data source is the Head department of the Bank of Russia: we receive rather detailed statistics about a situation in the banking sector in the territory of Perm Krai.

Now in the centralized data warehouse the big array of information on economic and social situation in Perm Krai and other regions of Russia (about 15 thousand indicators and 50 million values) is saved up. This information is vital for work of all authorities, the government, the governor and is used by them almost daily.

TAdviser: Tell about the operating functional and target management model the region. What target indicators in it are set what purposes and tasks can be formulated with their help? How control of their execution is exercised?

Valery Sukhikh: Perm Krai is one of pioneers in the field of application in practice of public administration of the principles of program goals management, "managements by results". On the basis of the priority directions of development of edge functional and functional and target units according to which the structure of executive bodies of the government is organized were created and responsibility for implementation of the priority directions, programs and development projects is defined.

These conversions were reflected in the corresponding regulatory legal acts thanks to what we could assign accurately responsibility to Deputy Prime Ministers – heads of functional and target blocks and specific authorities. It allowed to create the system of the purposes and problems of development of Perm Krai, to develop the actions and projects necessary for achievement of effective objectives. For them we defined specific indicators of achievement of result.

The system of the purposes exists not in itself, it is coordinated to budget process therefore we can accurately tell today for what purposes and budgetary funds are how effectively spent. The system of the purposes is a big branched set of priorities, and for control and management of it, undoubtedly, it is necessary to use information technologies. Main objectives are stabilization of population, quality improvement of life of the population, growth of efficiency of budgeted expenses, revenue growth of the population, reduction in cost of infrastructure costs, growth of self-reliance of municipal entities. According to these purposes the information and analytical system allows us to control such indicators as: edge resident population; volume of wage fund; the rating of Perm Krai among regions – competitors on the average monthly salary; quantity of the created jobs; labor productivity in economy; the number of municipal districts (city districts) showing positive dynamics of level of self-reliance; a share of the public edge autonomous institutions from the total number of the public edge institutions and many others, connected with the specific objectives solved for achievement of main goals.

Thus, the information and analytical system developed by Prognoz Ltd helps us with carrying out monitoring of achievement of effective objectives and also with solving of tasks of accounting of the resources directed to achievement of specific results, strategic planning for the medium term, operational planning within project activity in the organization of control of accomplishment of project and current tasks.

TAdviser: It is how convenient to work with a system? Whether it was required to provide user training?

Valery Sukhikh: When entering a system in operation user training is provided. However it has the user-friendly and clear web interface therefore often special training is not required. Ease of use confirms the fact that at us all municipal entities and the enterprises are connected to a system and without passing of any additional specialized rates work with it, enter information, use it and for monitoring of a situation in the region.

Undoubtedly, separate tools which are used in authorities, in particular, for modeling and forecasting require carrying out training of specialists. At the moment users of IAS of Perm Krai are about 500 users among whom heads and specialists of Administration of the governor, the Government of Perm Krai, the office of Legislative Assembly of Perm Krai, executive bodies of the government of edge, 48 municipal entities, 203 enterprises of the region.

TAdviser: Whether a system is the internal tool of Administration of the governor and the Government of Perm Krai or it is available to a wide range of interested persons? What is supposed to be made for ensuring its bigger openness?

Valery Sukhikh: Today a system works in two modes. First, there is an internal circuit, access to which only representatives of authorities of Perm Krai have. Besides, a system has also the external interface which is provided on the portal of the government of Perm Krai - any citizen in the section "The region in digits" can perform a guest entrance in a system and obtain operational information about key indicators of development of edge and activity of authorities. At the moment for increase in openness and transparency of activity of executive authorities we work on expansion of the list of the functions and tasks available through a guest entrance.

TAdviser:  What instrument of decision support, in your opinion, is the most demanded today?

Valery Sukhikh: In the conditions of an unstable economic situation we felt the shortage of operational information. Up to this point we obtained information in the monthly mode, and it was enough for acceptance of management decisions. But, when the situation changes every day, there was a need to change the mode of obtaining information, and a system allowed us to make it.

Once again I will note that at the beginning of a year we together with Prognoz company quickly adjusted collecting of weekly information from the enterprises, municipal entities, different authorities. And today it is, probably, one of the most demanded instruments of information support of decision making in the government of Perm Krai, including members of the commission on stabilization of social and economic development of Perm Krai.

Also one of the major tasks is situational modeling and forecasting of key indicators of social and economic development of Perm Krai today.

TAdviser: How will a system develop further? What new blocks are supposed to be started what tasks to add, deepen?

Valery Sukhikh: Life does not stand still, it sets new tasks for us. We improve functional and target management model, respectively, we will develop also the system tools allowing us to work with this model, to perform monitoring of activity of authorities. Integration into instruments of project management which are implemented in authorities of Perm Krai now is supposed.

Other direction of development is creation of a management subsystem space development of Perm Krai, the analysis of investment potential and attractiveness. The Scheme of space development of Perm Krai created now is the geographic information system displaying today's development of Perm Krai. On the next stage the Scheme of space development of Perm Krai will be replenished with data on objects which construction in plans.

Today, in difficult predicted conditions, we will develop modeling tools, forecasting of development of Perm Krai, the separate industries and territories of the region. And here we hope for the help of specialists of Prognoz company. Certainly, we will expand information space, to increase number of sources of information.

Creation of the electronic government of Perm Krai – one more important and perspective project. Using tools of IAS of Perm Krai we will manage to provide access to all information necessary for a management activity of public authorities and local government of Perm Krai.